Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Contrast Helen Gray Cone English

He loved her, having felt his love begin
With that first look,—as lover oft avers.
He made pale flowers his pleading ministers,
Impressed sweet music, drew the springtime in
To serve his suit; but when he could not win,
Forgot her face and those gray eyes...

The Conversion of Saint Paul John Keble 1812 English

The Midday sun, with fiercest glare,
Broods over the hazy, twinkling air;
    Along the level sand
The palm-tree’s shade unwavering lies,
Just as thy towers, Damascus, rise
    To greet yon wearied band.

The leader of that martial crew

The Coquette (Wilcox) English

Alone she sat with her accusing heart,

        That, like a restless comrade frightened sleep,

And every thought that found her, left a dart

        That hurt her so, she could not even weep.

Her heart that once had been a...

The Coral Grove James Gates Percival 1815 English

Deep in the wave is a coral grove,
Where the purple mullet and gold-fish rove,
Where the sea-flower spreads its leaves of blue,
That never are wet with falling dew,
But in bright and changeful beauty shine,
Far down in the green and glassy brine.

The Coral Insect Lydia Huntley Sigourney English

Toil on! toil on! ye ephemeral train,
Who build in the tossing and treacherous main;
Toil on! for the wisdom of man ye mock,
With your sand-based structure and domes of rock,
Your columns the fathomless fountains’ cave,
And your arches spring up to the...

The Coral Insect English

TOIL on! toil on! ye ephemeral train,

Who build in the tossing and treacherous main

Toil on! for the wisdom of man ye mock,

With your sand-based structures and domes of rock,

Your columns the fathomless fountains' lave,...

The Coral Reef James Montgomery 1791 English

From “The Pelican Island”
                            EVERY one,
By instinct taught, performed its little task,—
To build its dwelling and its sepulchre,
From its own essence exquisitely modelled;
There breed, and die, and leave a progeny,

The Corner-Man

I dreamt a dream at the midnight deep,

When fancies come and go

To vex a man in his soothing sleep

With thoughts of awful woe --

I dreamed that I was the corner man

Of a nigger minstrel show.


The Coronet English

When for the thorns with which I long, too long,

With many a piercing wound,

My Saviour's head have crowned,

I seek with garlands to redress that wrong,—

Through every garden, every mead,

I gather flowers (my fruits...

The Cosmic Egg Anonymous English

Upon a rock yet uncreate,
Amid a chaos inchoate,
An uncreated being sate;
Beneath him, rock,
Above him, cloud.
And the cloud was rock,
And the rock was cloud.
The rock then growing soft and warm,
The cloud began to take a form,...

The Cost of Worth Josiah Gilbert Holland English

From “Bitter Sweet”
THUS is it all over the earth!
  That which we call the fairest,
And prize for its surpassing worth,
            Is always rarest.

Iron is heaped in mountain piles,
  And gluts the laggard forges;
But gold-flakes gleam...

The Cotter’s Saturday Night Robert Burns 1779 English

Inscribed to R. Aiken, Esq.
 “Let not ambition mock their useful toil,
  Their homely joys and destiny obscure;
Nor grandeur hear, with a disdainful smile,
  The short but simple annals of the poor.”

  MY loved, my honored, much-respected...

The Cotton Boll Henry Timrod English

While i recline
At ease beneath
This immemorial pine,
Small sphere!
(By dusky fingers brought this morning here
And shown with boastful smiles),
I turn thy cloven sheath,
Through which the soft white fibres peer,
That, with their...

The Countersign Anonymous English

Alas! the weary hours pass slow,
  The night is very dark and still,
And in the marshes far below
  I hear the bearded whippoorwill.
I scarce can see a yard ahead;
  My ears are strained to catch each sound;
I hear the leaves about me shed,...

The Country Faith Norman Gale 1882 English

Here in the country’s heart
Where the grass is green,
Life is the same sweet life
As it e’er hath been.

Trust in a God still lives,
And the bell at morn
Floats with a thought of God
O’er the rising corn.

God comes down in the...

The Country Life Richard Henry Stoddard English

Not what we would, but what we must,
  Makes up the sum of living;
Heaven is both more and less than just
  In taking and in giving.
Swords cleave to hands that sought the plough,
And laurels miss the soldier’s brow.

Me, whom the city holds,...

The Coup de Grace Edward Rowland Sill English

  if i were very sure
That all was over betwixt you and me,—
  That, while this endless absence I endure
With but one mood, one dream, one misery
Of waiting, you were happier to be free,—

  Then I might find again
In cloud and stream and all the...

The Course of True Love William Shakespeare 1584 English

From “Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Act I. Sc. 1.

FOR aught that ever I could read,
Could ever hear by tale or history,
The course of true love never did run smooth:
But, either it was different in blood,
Or else misgraffèd in respect of years,
Or else...

The Court is far away — English

The Court is far away —

No Umpire — have I —

My Sovereign is offended —

To gain his grace — I'd die!

I'll seek his royal feet —

I'll say — Remember — King —

Thou shalt — thyself — one day — a Child...

The Courtin’ James Russell Lowell English

God makes sech nights, all white an’ still
  Fur ’z you can look or listen;
Moonshine an’ snow on field an’ hill,
  All silence an’ all glisten.

Zekle crep’ up quite unbeknown
  An’ peeked in thru’ the winder,
An’ there sot Huldy all alone,...