Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Bride's Toilette Ellen Mackay Hutchinson Cortissoz English

“dame, how the moments go—
  And the bride is not ready!
Call all her tiring maids,
  Paul, Jean, and Thedie.
Is this your robe, my dear?
  Faith, but she ’s steady!
The bridegroom is blest who gets
  Such a brave lady.”


The Brides of Indra English

      Lo, 'tis Indra! he who kindles, God of celestial fire;

      Who lights the thoughts of man with the flame of wild desire.

      Have you watched the changeful sky, crimson, amethyst, and gold?

      'T is his mantle, and the stars...

The Bridge Builder English

An old man, going a lone highway,

Came at the evening cold and gray,

To a chasm, vast and deep and wide,

Through which was flowing a sullen tide.

The old man crossed in the twilight dim-

That sullen stream had no...

The Bridge of Sighs Thomas Hood 1819 English

“Drowned! drowned!”—Hamlet.

ONE more unfortunate,
Weary of breath,
Rashly importunate,
Gone to her death!

Take her up tenderly,
Lift her with care!
Fashioned so slenderly,
Young, and so fair!

Look at her garments...

The Brier-Wood Pipe Charles Dawson Shanly English

Ha! bully for me again, when my turn for picket is over,
And now for a smoke as I lie, with the moonlight, out in the clover.

My pipe, it ’s only a knot from the root of a brier-wood tree,
But it turns my heart to the Northward—Harry gave it to me.

And I ’m...

The Broken Heart (Donne)

He is stark mad, whoever says,
That he hath been in love an hour,

Yet not that love so soon decays,
But that it can ten in less space devour;...

The Broken Pitcher William Edmondstoune Aytoun 1833 English

It was a Moorish maiden was sitting by a well,
And what that maiden thought of, I cannot, cannot tell,
When by there rode a valiant knight, from the town of Oviedo—
Alphonso Guzman was he hight, the Count of Desparedo.

“O maiden, Moorish maiden! why sitt’st thou...

The Bronze Statue of Napoleon Henri Auguste Barbier 1825 English

Anonymous translation from the French
THE WORK is done! the spent flame burns no more,
  The furnace fires smoke and die,
The iron flood boils over. Ope the door,
  And let the haughty one pass by!
Roar, mighty river, rush upon your course,

The Brook William Wilberforce English

A little blind girl wandering,
  While daylight pales beneath the moon,
And with a brook meandering,
  To hear its gentle tune.

The little blind girl by the brook,
  It told her something—you might guess,
To see her smile, to see her look...

The Brooklet English

A little farther on, there is a brook

Where the breeze lingers idly. The high trees

Have roof'd it with their crowding limbs and leaves,

So that the sun drinks not from its sweet fount,

And the shade cools it. You may hear it now...

The Brooklyn Bridge Edna Dean Proctor English

A Granite cliff on either shore,
  A highway poised in air;
Above, the wheels of traffic roar,
  Below, the fleets sail fair;—
And in and out forevermore,
The surging tides of ocean pour,
And past the towers the white gulls soar,

The Brookside Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton 1829 English

I Wandered by the brookside,
I wandered by the mill;
I could not hear the brook flow,—
The noisy wheel was still;
There was no burr of grasshopper,
No chirp of any bird,
But the beating of my own heart
Was all the sound I heard.


The Brothers Charles Sprague English

We are but two—the others sleep
  Through death’s untroubled night;
We are but two—O, let us keep
  The link that binds us bright.

Heart leaps to heart—the sacred flood
  That warms us is the same;
That good old man—his honest blood

The Bucket Samuel Woodworth English

How dear to this heart are the scenes of my childhood,
  When fond recollection presents them to view!
The orchard, the meadow, the deep-tangled wild-wood,
  And every loved spot which my infancy knew!
The wide-spreading pond, and the mill that stood by it,...

The Bugle Alfred, Lord Tennyson English

From “The Princess”
    THE SPLENDOR falls on castle walls
      And snowy summits old in story:
    The long light shakes across the lakes,
      And the wild cataract leaps in glory.
Blow, bugle, blow, set the wild echoes flying,
Blow, bugle;...

The Buoy-Bell Charles Tennyson Turner 1828 English

How like the leper, with his own sad cry
Enforcing his own solitude, it tolls!
That lonely bell set in the rushing shoals,
To warn us from the place of jeopardy!
O friend of man! sore-vexed by ocean’s power,
The changing tides wash o’er thee day by day;...

The Burden of Love Lucy White Jennison English

I bear an unseen burden constantly;
Waking or sleeping I can never thrust
The load aside; through summer’s heat and dust
And winter’s snows it still abides with me.
I cannot let it fall, though I should be
Never so weary; carry it I must.
Nor can...

The Burial of Robert Browning Michael Field English

        UPON St. Michael’s Isle
        They laid him for awhile
That he might feel the Ocean’s full embrace,
            And wedded be
            To that wide sea—
  The subject and the passion of his race.
    As Thetis, from some lovely...

The Burial of the Dane Henry Howard Brownell English

Blue gulf all around us,
  Blue sky overhead—
Muster all on the quarter,
  We must bury the dead!

It is but a Danish sailor,
  Rugged of front and form;
A common son of the forecastle,
  Grizzled with sun and storm.

His name,...

The Bushfire English

The run is England's Empire great,

The fire is the distress

That burns the stock they represent --

Prosperity you'll guess.

And the blue gum bough is the Home Rule Bill

That's making such a mess.
