Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Black Regiment George Henry Boker English

[May 27, 1863]
DARK as the clouds of even,
Ranked in the western heaven,
Waiting the breath that lifts
All the dead mass, and drifts
Tempest and falling brand
Over a ruined land,—
So still and orderly,
Arm to arm, knee to knee,...

The Black Riders Stephen Crane 1891 English

Black riders came from the sea.
There was clang and clang of spear and shield,
And clash and clash of hoof and heel,
Wild shouts and the wave of hair
In the rush upon the wind:
Thus the ride of sin.

The Blackbird Alfred, Lord Tennyson English

O Blackbird! sing me something well:
  While all the neighbors shoot thee round,
  I keep smooth plats of fruitful ground,
Where thou may’st warble, eat, and dwell.

The espaliers and the standards all
  Are thine; the range of lawn and park:

The Blazing Heart Alice Williams Brotherton English

    who are ye, spirits, that stand
      In the outer gloom,
Each with a blazing heart in hand,
Which lighteth the dark beyond the tomb?

    “Oh, we be souls that loved
      Too well, too well!
Yet, for that love, though sore reproved,...

The Blessed Damozel Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1848 Love

The blessed damozel leaned out
       From the gold bar of Heaven;
Her eyes were deeper than the depth
       Of waters stilled at even;
She had three lilies in her hand,
       And the stars in her hair were seven.
Her robe, ungirt from...

The Blessèd Damozel Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1848 English

The BlessÈd damozel 1 leaned out
  From the gold bar of Heaven;
Her eyes were deeper than the depth
  Of waters stilled at even,
She had three lilies in her hand,
  And the stars in her hair were seven.

Her robe, ungirt from clasp to hem,...

The Blessed Damozel (Dante Gabriel Rossetti) English

The blessed damozel leaned out

       From the gold bar of Heaven;

Her eyes were deeper than the depth

       Of waters stilled at even;

She had three lilies in her hand,

The Blind Psalmist Elizabeth Clementine Kinney English

He sang the airs of olden times
In soft, low tones to sacred rhymes,
  Devotional, but quaint;
His fingers touched the viol’s strings,
And at their gentle vibratings
The glory of an angel’s wings
  Hung o’er that aged saint!

His thin,...

The Blood Horse Bryan Waller Procter English

Gamarra is a dainty steed,
Strong, black, and of a noble breed,
Full of fire, and full of bone,
With all his line of fathers known;
Fine his nose, his nostrils thin,
But blown abroad by the pride within!
His mane is like a river flowing,

The Blossom (Donne) English

    LITTLE think'st thou, poor flower,

    Whom I've watch'd six or seven days,

And seen thy birth, and seen what every hour

Gave to thy growth, thee to this height to raise,

And now dost laugh and triumph on this bough,

The Blossom of the Soul Robert Underwood Johnson English

Thou half-unfolded flower
  With fragrance-laden heart,
What is the secret power
  That doth thy petals part?
What gave thee most thy hue—
The sunshine or the dew?

Thou wonder-wakened soul!
  As Dawn doth steal on Night,
On thee...

The Blue and the Gray Francis Miles Finch English

By the flow of the inland river,
  Whence the fleets of iron have fled,
Where the blades of the grave-grass quiver,
  Asleep are the ranks of the dead:
    Under the sod and the dew,
      Waiting the judgment-day;
    Under the one, the Blue,...

The Blue and the Gray Francis Miles Finch English

   [The women of Columbus, Mississippi, strewed flowers alike on the graves of the Confederate and the National soldiers.]

BY the flow of the inland river,
  Whence the fleets of iron have fled,
Where the blades of the grave-grass quiver
  Asleep are the ranks of...

The Blue-Bird Alexander Wilson English

When winter’s cold tempests and snows are no more,
  Green meadows and brown-furrowed fields reappearing,
The fishermen hauling their shad to the shore,
  And cloud-cleaving geese to the Lakes are a-steering;
When first the lone butterfly flits on the wing;...

The Bluebell (Anne Brontë)

A fine and subtle spirit dwells

In every little flower,

Each one its own sweet feeling breathes

With more or less of power.

There is a silent eloquence

In every wild bluebell

That fills my softened heart...

The Blunder is in estimate. English

The Blunder is in estimate.

Eternity is there

We say, as of a Station —

Meanwhile he is so near

He joins me in my Ramble —

Divides abode with me —

No Friend have I that so persists


The Bobolink is gone — English

The Bobolink is gone —

The Rowdy of the Meadow —

And no one swaggers now but me —

The Presbyterian Birds

Can now resume the Meeting

He boldly interrupted that overflowing Day

When supplicating mercy

The Bobolinks Christopher Pearse Cranch English

When nature had made all her birds,
  With no more cares to think on,
She gave a rippling laugh, and out
  There flew a Bobolinkon.

She laughed again; out flew a mate;
  A breeze of Eden bore them
Across the fields of Paradise,

The Bobolinks Christopher Pearse Cranch English

When Nature had made all her birds,
  With no more cares to think on,
She gave a rippling laugh, and out
  There flew a Bobolinkon.

She laughed again; out flew a mate;
  A breeze of Eden bore them
Across the fields of Paradise,

The Body grows without —

The Body grows without —

The more convenient way —

That if the Spirit — like to hide

Its Temple stands, alway,

Ajar — secure — inviting —

It never did betray

The Soul that asked its shelter