Hollow Hospitality

From “Satires,” Book III. Sat. 3. THE COURTEOUS citizen bade me to his feast With hollow words, and overly 1 request: “Come, will ye dine with me this holiday?” I yielded, though he hoped I would say nay: For I had maidened it, as many use; Loath for to grant, but loather to refuse. “Alack, sir, I were loath—another day,— I should but trouble you;—pardon me, if you may.” No pardon should I need; for, to depart He gives me leave, and thanks too, in his heart. Two words for money, Darbyshirian wise: (That ’s one too many) is a naughty guise. Who looks for double biddings to a feast, May dine at home for an importune guest. I went, then saw, and found the great expense; The face and fashions of our citizens. Oh, Cleopatrical! what wanteth there For curious cost, and wondrous choice of cheer? Beef, that erst Hercules held for finest fare; Pork for the fat Bœotian, or the hare For Martial; fish for the Venetian; Goose-liver for the licorous Roman; Th’ Athenian’s goat; quail, Iolaus’ cheer; The hen for Eseulape, and the Parthian deer; Grapes for Arcesilas, figs for Pluto’s mouth, And chestnuts fair for Amarillis’ tooth. Hadst thou such cheer? wert thou ever there before? Never,—I thought so: nor come there no more. Come there no more; for so meant all that cost: Never hence take me for thy second host. For whom he means to make an often guest, One dish shall serve; and welcome make the rest. Note 1. Superficial. [back]

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Humorous Poems: II. Miscellaneous

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  • From “Satires,” Book III. Sat. 3. THE COURTEOUS citizen bade me to his feast With hollow words, and overly 1 request: “Come, will ye dine with me this holiday?” I yielded, though he hoped I would say nay: For I had maidened it, as many use; Loath for to grant, but loather to refuse. “Alack, sir...