
From the Greek by Richard Garnett ’TWIXT good and ill my wavering fortune see Swayed in capricious instability, Most like the moon, whose ceaseless wax and wane Cannot two nights the self-same form retain; Viewless at first, then a dim streak revealed, Then slow augmenting to an argent shield; And when at length to fair perfection brought, Diminishing and dwindling quite to nought.

Sub Title: 
Poems of Sentiment: II. Life

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  • From the Greek by Richard Garnett ’TWIXT good and ill my wavering fortune see Swayed in capricious instability, Most like the moon, whose ceaseless wax and wane Cannot two nights the self-same form retain; Viewless at first, then a dim streak revealed, Then slow augmenting to an argent shield;...