The Comet

October, 1858 ERRATIC Soul of some great Purpose, doomed To track the wild illimitable space, Till sure propitiation has been made For the divine commission unperformed! What was thy crime? Ahasuerus’ curse Were not more stern on earth than thine in heaven! Art thou the Spirit of some Angel World, For grave rebellion banished from thy peers, Compelled to watch the calm, immortal stars Circling in rapture the celestial void, While the avenger follows in thy train To spur thee on to wretchedness eterne? Or one of Nature’s wildest fantasies, From which she flies in terror so profound, And with such whirl of torment in her breast, That mighty earthquakes yawn where’er she treads While War makes red its terrible right hand, And Famine stalks abroad all lean and wan? To us thou art as exquisitely fair As the ideal visions of the seer, Or gentlest fancy that e’er floated down Imagination’s bright, unruffled stream, Wedding the thought that was too deep for words To the low breathings of inspirèd song. When the stars sang together o’er the birth Of the poor Babe at Bethlehem, that lay In the coarse manger at the crowded Inn, Didst thou, perhaps a bright exalted star, Refuse to swell the grand, harmonious lay, Jealous as Herod of the birth divine? Or when the crown of thorns on Calvary Pierced the Redeemer’s brow, didst thou disdain To weep, when all the planetary worlds Were blinded by the fulness of their tears? E’en to the flaming sun, that hid his face At the loud cry, “Lama Sabachthani!” No rest! No rest! the very damned have that In the dark councils of remotest Hell, Where the dread scheme was perfected that sealed Thy disobedience and accruing doom. Like Adam’s sons, hast thou, too, forfeited The blest repose that never pillowed Sin? No! none can tell thy fate, thou wandering Sphinx! Pale Science, searching by the midnight lamp Through the vexed mazes of the human brain, Still fails to read the secret of its soul As the superb enigma flashes by, A loosed Prometheus burning with disdain.

Sub Title: 
Poems of Fancy: III. Mythical: Mystical: Legendary

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