The Angler’s Wish

I In these flowery meads would be, These crystal streams should solace me; To whose harmonious bubbling noise I, with my angle, would rejoice, Sit here, and see the turtle-dove Court his chaste mate to acts of love; Or, on that bank, feel the west-wind Breathe health and plenty; please my mind, To see sweet dew-drops kiss these flowers, And then washed off by April showers; Here, hear my Kenna 1 sing a song: There, see a blackbird feed her young, Or a laverock build her nest; Here, give my weary spirits rest, And raise my low-pitched thoughts above Earth, or what poor mortals love. Thus, free from lawsuits, and the noise Of princes’ courts, I would rejoice; Or, with my Bryan and a book, Loiter long days near Shawford brook; There sit by him, and eat my meat; There see the sun both rise and set; There bid good morning to next day; There meditate my time away; And angle on; and beg to have A quiet passage to a welcome grave. Note 1. “Kenna,” the name of his supposed mistress, seems to have been formed from the name of his wife, which was Ken. [back]

Sub Title: 
III. The Seasons

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  • I In these flowery meads would be, These crystal streams should solace me; To whose harmonious bubbling noise I, with my angle, would rejoice, Sit here, and see the turtle-dove Court his chaste mate to acts of love; Or, on that bank, feel the west-wind Breathe health and plenty; please...