We Love but Few

Oh, yes, we mean all kind words that we say To old friends and to new; Yet doth this truth grow clearer day by day: We love but few. We love! we love! What easy words to say, And sweet to hear, When sunrise splendor brightens all the way, And, far and near, Are breath of flowers and carolling of birds, And bells that chime; Our hearts are light: we do not weigh our words At morning time! But when the matin music all is hushed, And life’s great load Doth weigh us down, and thick with dust Doth grow the road, Then do we say less often that we love. The words have grown! With pleading eyes we look to Christ above, And clasp our own. Their lives are bound to ours by mighty bands No mortal strait, Nor Death himself, with his prevailing hands, Can separate. The world is wide, and many friends are dear, And friendships true; Yet do these words read plainer, year by year: We love but few.

Sub Title: 
Poems of Friendship

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