Classical Criticism

21 B. C. OLD Horace on a summer afternoon, Well primed with sweet Falernian, let us say, Lulled by the far-off brooklet ’s drowsy croon To a half-doze in a haphazard way, Scratched off a half a dozen careless rhymes, As was his habit. When next day he came Awake to work, he read them several times, In vain attempt to catch their sense and aim. “What was I thinking of? Blest if I know, Jupiter! What ’s the difference? Let them go!” 886 A. D. “LINES twelve to twenty are in great dispute,” (Most learnedly the lecturer doth speak,) “I think I shall be able to refute Orelli’s claim they ’re taken from the Greek. I think, with Bentley, Horace’s purpose here Is irony, and yet I do not know But Dillenberger’s reading is more clear, For which he gives eight arguments, although Wilkins gives twelve objections to the same”— So on (ad infinitum). Such is fame!


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  • 21 B. C. OLD Horace on a summer afternoon, Well primed with sweet Falernian, let us say, Lulled by the far-off brooklet ’s drowsy croon To a half-doze in a haphazard way, Scratched off a half a dozen careless rhymes, As was his habit. When next day he came Awake to work, he read them...