
There be many kinds of parting—yes, I know Some with fond, grieving eyes that overflow, Some with brave hands that strengthen as they go; Ah yes, I know—I know. But there be partings harder still to tell, That fall in silence, like an evil spell, Without one wistful message of farewell; Ah yes, too hard to tell. There is no claiming of one sacred kiss,— One token for the days when life shall miss A spirit from the world of vanished bliss; Ah no—not even this. There is no rising ere the birds have sung Their skyward songs, to journey with the sun,— Nor folded hands to show that life is done; Ah no, for life is young. There are no seas, no mountains rising wide, No centuries of absence to divide,— Just soul-space, standing daily side by side; Ah, wiser to have died. Hands still clasp hands, eyes still reflect their own;— Yet had one over universes flown, So far each heart hath from the other grown, Alone were less alone.


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