
Ah! little flower, upspringing, azure-eyed, The meadow-brook beside, Dropping delicious balms Into the tender palms Of lover-winds, that woo with light caress, In still contentedness, Living and blooming thy brief summer-day:— So, wiser far than I, That only dream and sigh, And, sighing, dream my listless life away. Ah! sweetheart birds, a-building your wee house In the broad-leavëd boughs, Pausing with merry trill To praise each other’s skill, And nod your pretty heads with pretty pride; Serenely satisfied To trill and twitter love’s sweet roundelay:— So, happier than I, That, lonely, dream and sigh, And, sighing, dream my lonely life away. Brown-bodied bees, that scent with nostrils fine The odorous blossom-wine, Sipping, with heads half thrust Into the pollen dust Of rose and hyacinth and daffodil, To hive, in amber cell, A honey feasting for the winter-day:— So, better far than I, Self-wrapt, that dream and sigh, And, sighing, dream my useless life away.


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