A drop fell on the apple tree,

Another on the roof ;

A half a dozen kissed the eaves,

And made the gables laugh.

A few went out to help the...


Summer — we all have seen —

A few of us — believed —

A few — the more aspiring

Unquestionably loved —

But Summer does not care —

She goes her spacious way

As eligible as the moon

To our...


On fence and roof and twig.

The orchis binds her feather on

For her old love, Don the Sun,

Revisiting the bog !

Without commander, countless, still,

The regiment of wood and hill

In bright detachment...


Talk not to me of Summer Trees

The foliage of the mind

A Tabernacle is for Birds

Of no corporeal kind

And winds do go that way at noon

To their Ethereal Homes

Whose Bugles call the least of us



The last of Summer is Delight —

Deterred by Retrospect.

'Tis Ecstasy's revealed Review —

Enchantment's Syndicate.

To meet it — nameless as it is —

Without celestial Mail —

Audacious as without a...


The One who could repeat the Summer day —

Were greater than itself — though He

Minutest of Mankind should be —

And He — could reproduce the Sun —

At period of going down —

The Lingering — and the Stain — I mean...


The Summer that we did not prize,

Her treasures were so easy

Instructs us by departing now

And recognition lazy —

Bestirs itself — puts on its Coat,

And scans with fatal promptness

For Trains that...


There came a Day at Summer's full,

Entirely for me —

I thought that such were for the Saints,

Where Resurrections — be —

The Sun, as common, went abroad,

The flowers, accustomed, blew,

As if no soul...


To see the Summer Sky

Is Poetry, though never in a Book it lie —

True Poems flee —
