• I'm like some king in whose corrupted veins

    Flows agèd blood; who rules a land of rains;

    Who, young in years, is old in all distress;

    Who flees good counsel to find weariness

    Among his dogs and playthings, who is stirred

    Neither by hunting-hound nor hunting-bird;

  • Fair is the sun when first he flames above,
    Flinging his joy down in a happy beam;

    And happy he who can salute with love
    The sunset far more...

  • There shall be couches whence faint odours rise,
    Divans like sepulchres, deep and profound;

    Strange flowers that bloomed beneath diviner skies

  • Not all the beauties in old prints vignetted,
    Those worthless products of an outworn age,

    With slippered feet and fingers castanetted,

  • "To thy wife's eyes I'll bring their long-lost gleam,
    I'll bring back to thy child his strength and light,

    To him, life's fragile athlete I will seem
    Rare oil that firms his muscles for...

  • If thou wilt shut thy drowsy eyes,

       My mulberry one, my golden sun!

    The rose shall sing thee lullabies,

       My pretty cosset lambkin!

    And thou shalt swing in an almond-tree,

    With a flood of moonbeams rocking thee---

    A silver boat in a golden sea,

       My velvet love, my nestling dove,

  • I thought myself, indeed, secure,

       So fast the door, so firm the lock;

    But, lo! he toddling comes to lure

       My parent ear with timorous knock.

    My heart were stone could it withstand

       The sweetness of my baby's plea,

    That timorous, baby knocking and

       "Please let me in,---it's...

  • I say, as one who never feared

       The wrath of a subscriber's bullet,

    I pity him who has a beard

       But has no little girl to pull it!

    When wife and I have finished tea,

       Our baby woos me with her prattle,

    And, perching proudly on my knee,

       She gives my petted whiskers battle....

  • I count my treasures o'er with care,---

       The little toy my darling knew,

       A little sock of faded hue,

    A little lock of golden hair.

    Long years ago this holy time,

       My little one---my all to me---

       Sat robed in white upon my knee,

    And heard the merry Christmas chime.


    Stork, I am justly wroth,

       For thou hast wronged me sore;

    The ash roof-tree that shelters thee

       Shall shelter thee no more!


    Full fifty years I 've dwelt

       Upon this honest tree,

    And long ago (as people know!)

       I brought thy...