White wings of commerce sailing far,
  Hot steam that drives the weltering wheel,
Tamed lightning speeding on the wire,
  Iron postman on the way of steel,—
These, circling all the world, have told
  The loss that makes us desolate;
For we give...

Poet: Henry Abbey

Father! whose hard and cruel law
    Is part of thy compassion’s plan,
    Thy works presumptuously we scan
For what the prophets say they saw.

Unbidden still, the awful slope
    Walling us in, we climb to gain
    Assurance of the shining plain...

Summer for thee, grant I may be

When Summer days are flown!

Thy music still, when Whipporwill

And Oriole — are done!

For thee to bloom, I'll skip the tomb

And row my blossoms o'er!

Pray gather me —...
