• With silent awe I hail the sacred morn,
    That slowly wakes while all the fields are still!
    A soothing calm on every breeze is borne;
    A graver murmur gurgles from the rill;
    And echo answers softer from the hill;
    And sweeter sings the linnet from the thorn:
    The skylark warbles in a tone less shrill.
    Hail, light serene! hail, sacred Sabbath...

  • From “The Sabbath”
    HOW still the morning of the hallowed day!
    Mute is the voice of rural labor, hushed
    The ploughboy’s whistle and the milkmaid’s song.
    The scythe lies glittering in the dewy wreath
    Of tedded grass, mingled with faded flowers,
    That yestermorn bloomed waving in the breeze;
    Sounds the most faint attract the ear,—the hum...

  • Amazing, beauteous change!
    A world created new!
    My thoughts with transport range,
    The lovely scene to view;
        In all I trace,
        Saviour divine,
        The word is thine,—
        Be thine the praise!

    See crystal fountains play
    Amidst the burning sands;
    The river’s winding way
    Shines through the thirsty lands...

  • From “Ivanhoe”
    WHEN Israel, of the Lord beloved,
      Out from the land of bondage came,
    Her fathers’ God before her moved,
      An awful guide, in smoke and flame.
    By day, along the astonished lands,
      The cloudy pillar glided slow:
    By night, Arabia’s crimsoned sands
      Returned the fiery column’s glow.

    There rose the choral...

  • Which Died before Baptism
    “BE, rather than be called, a child of God,”
    Death whispered!—with assenting nod,
    Its head upon its mother’s breast,
        The baby bowed, without demur—
    Of the kingdom of the Blest
        Possessor, not inheritor.

  •     STERN daughter of the voice of God!
          O Duty! if that name thou love
        Who art a light to guide, a rod
          To check the erring, and reprove—
        Thou, who art victory and law
        When empty terrors overawe;
        From vain temptations dost set free,
    And calm’st the weary strife of frail humanity!

        There are who ask...

  • From the German by W. Taylor
    RECOVERY,—daughter of Creation too,
    Though not for immortality designed,—
              The Lord of life and death
              Sent thee from heaven to me!
    Had I not heard thy gentle tread approach,
    Not heard the whisper of thy welcome voice,
              Death had with iron foot
              My chilly forehead...

  •  “My son, these maxims make a rule
      And lump them aye thegither:
    The Rigid Righteous is a fool,
      The Rigid Wise anither:
    The cleanest corn that e’er was dight
      May hae some pyles o’ caff in;
    Sae ne’er a fellow-creature slight
      For random fits o’ daffin.”
    —SOLOMON, Ecclesiastes vii. 16.    

    O YE wha are sae guid yoursel...

  • From the First Part of “Wallenstein,” Act III. Sc. 4.

    WALLENSTEIN  (in soliloquy).  Is it possible?
    Is ’t so? I can no longer what I would!
    No longer draw back at my liking! I
    Must do the deed, because I thought of it,
    And fed this heart here with a dream! Because
    I did not scowl temptation from my presence,
    Dallied with thought of...

  • All worldly shapes shall melt in gloom,
    The Sun himself must die,
    Before this mortal shall assume
      Its immortality!
    I saw a vision in my sleep,
    That gave my spirit strength to sweep
      Adown the gulf of time!
    I saw the last of human mould
    That shall creation’s death behold,
      As Adam saw her prime!

    The sun’s eye...