• O earth! art thou not weary of thy graves?
    Dear, patient mother Earth, upon thy breast
    How are they heaped from farthest east to west!
    From the dim north, where the wild storm-wind raves
    O’er the cold surge that chills the shore it laves,
    To sunlit isles by softest seas caressed,
    Where roses bloom alway and song-birds nest,
    How thick they...

  • On hoary Conway’s battlemented height,
    O poet-heart, I pluck for thee a rose!
    Through arch and court the sweet wind wandering goes;
    Round each high tower the rooks in airy flight
    Circle and wheel, all bathed in amber light;
    Low at my feet the winding river flows;
    Valley and town, entranced in deep repose,
    War doth no more appall, nor foes...

  • A path across a meadow fair and sweet,
    Where clover-blooms the lithesome grasses greet,
    A path worn smooth by his impetuous feet.
    A straight, swift path—and at its end, star
    Gleaming behind the lilac’s fragrant bar,
    And her soft eyes, more luminous by far!

    A path across the meadow fair and sweet,
    Still sweet and fair where blooms and...

  • Come, stack arms, men; pile on the rails;
        Stir up the camp-fire bright!
    No growling if the canteen fails:
        We ’ll make a roaring night.
    Here Shenandoah brawls along,
    There burly Blue Ridge echoes strong,
    To swell the Brigade’s rousing song,
        Of Stonewall Jackson’s Way.

    We see him now—the queer slouched hat,...

  • “now for a brisk and cheerful fight!”
      Said Harman, big and droll,
    As he coaxed his flint and steel for a light,
      And puffed at his cold clay bowl;
    “For we are a skulking lot,” says he,
      “Of land-thieves hereabout,
    And these bold señores, two to one,
      Have come to smoke us out.”

    Santa Anna and Castillon,

  • Spruce macaronis, and pretty to see,
    Tidy and dapper and gallant were we;
    Blooded, fine gentlemen, proper and tall,
    Bold in a fox-hunt and gay at a ball;
    Prancing soldados so martial and bluff,
    Billets for bullets, in scarlet and buff—
    But our cockades were clasped with a mother’s low prayer,
    And the sweethearts that braided the sword-...

  • Along the shore the slimy brine-pits yawn,
    Covered with thick green scum; the billows rise,
    And fill them to the brim with clouded foam,
    And then subside, and leave the scum again.
    The ribbed sand is full of hollow gulfs,
    Where monsters from the waters come and lie.
    Great serpents bask at noon along the rocks,
    To me no terror; coil on...

  • Songs
        how are songs begot and bred?
        How do golden measures flow?
        From the heart, or from the head?
        Happy Poet, let me know.

        Tell me first how folded flowers
        Bud and bloom in vernal bowers;
        How the south wind shapes its tune,
          The harper, he, of June.

        None may answer, none may know,...

  • There are gains for all our losses,
      There are balms for all our pain:
    But when youth, the dream, departs,
    It takes something from our hearts,
      And it never comes again.

    We are stronger, and are better,
      Under manhood’s sterner reign:
    Still we feel that something sweet
    Followed youth, with flying feet,
      And will...

  • The divan
    a LITTLE maid of Astrakan,
      An idol on a silk divan;
    She sits so still, and never speaks,
      She holds a cup of mine;
    ’T is full of wine, and on her cheeks
      Are stains and smears of wine.

    Thou little girl of Astrakan,
      I join thee on the silk divan:
    There is no need to seek the land,
      The rich bazaars...