• I saw a man, by some accounted wise,
    For some things said and done before their eyes,
    Quite overcast, and, in a restless muse,
        Pacing a path about,
        And often giving out:
            “What is the use?”

    Then I, with true respect: “What meanest thou
    By those strange words, and that unsettled brow;
    Health, wealth, the fair...

  • Down in the bleak December bay
    The ghostly vessel stands away;
    Her spars and halyards white with ice,
    Under the dark December skies.
    A hundred souls, in company,
    Have left the vessel pensively,—
    Have touched the frosty desert there,
    And touched it with the knees of prayer.
      And now the day begins to dip,
    The night begins...

  • The poet’s secret I must know,
      If that will calm my restless mind.
    I hail the seasons as they go,
      I woo the sunshine, brave the wind.

    I scan the lily and the rose,
      I nod to every nodding tree,
    I follow every stream that flows,
      And wait beside the steadfast sea.

    I question melancholy eyes,
      I touch the lips of...

  • Much have I spoken of the faded leaf;
      Long have I listened to the wailing wind,
    And watched it ploughing through the heavy clouds,
      For autumn charms my melancholy mind.

    When autumn comes, the poets sing a dirge:
      The year must perish; all the flowers are dead;
    The sheaves are gathered; and the mottled quail
      Runs in the stubble,...

  • Now all the flowers that ornament the grass,
    Wherever meadows are and placid brooks,
    Must fall—the “glory of the grass” must fall.
    Year after year I see them sprout and spread,—
    The golden, glossy, tossing buttercups,
    The tall, straight daisies and red clover globes,
    The swinging bellwort and the blue-eyed bent,
    With nameless plants as...

  •   in the still, star-lit night,
    By the full fountain and the willow-tree,
      I walked, and not alone—
    A spirit walked with me!

      A shade fell on the grass;
    Upon the water fell a deeper shade:
      Something the willow stirred,
    For to and fro it swayed.

      The grass was in a quiver,
    The water trembled, and the willow-tree...

  • Under a sultry, yellow sky,
    On the yellow sand I lie;
    The crinkled vapors smite my brain,
    I smoulder in a fiery pain.

    Above the crags the condor flies;
    He knows where the red gold lies,
    He knows where the diamonds shine;—
    If I knew, would she be mine?

    Mercedes in her hammock swings;
    In her court a palm-tree flings...

  • Stop on the Appian Way,
      In the Roman Campagna;
      Stop at my tomb,
    The tomb of Cecilia Metella.
        To-day as you see it
    Alaric saw it, ages ago,
    When he, with his pale-visaged Goths,
      Sat at the gates of Rome,
      Reading his Runic shield.
      Odin, thy curse remains!

      Beneath these battlements
    My bones...

  • I feel the breath of the summer night,
        Aromatic fire:
    The trees, the vines, the flowers are astir
        With tender desire.

    The white moths flutter about the lamp,
        Enamoured with light;
    And a thousand creatures softly sing
        A song to the night!

    But I am alone, and how can I sing
        Praises to thee?

  • As one who follows a departing friend,
    Destined to cross the great, dividing sea,
    I watch and follow these departing days,
    That go so grandly, lifting up their crowns
    Still regal, though their victor Autumn comes.
    Gifts they bestow, which I accept, return,
    As gifts exchanged between a loving pair,
    Who may possess them as memorials...