• O bird, thou dartest to the sun,
    When morning beams first spring,
    And I, like thee, would swiftly run;
    As sweetly would I sing.
    Thy burning heart doth draw thee up
    Unto the source of fire;
    Thou drinkest from its glowing cup
    And quenchest thy desire.

    O dew, thou droppest soft below,
    And pearlest all the ground,

  • We wreathed about our darling’s head
      The morning-glory bright;
    Her little face looked out beneath,
      So full of life and light,
    So lit as with a sunrise,
      That we could only say,
    “She is the morning-glory true,
      And her poor types are they.”

    So always from that happy time
      We called her by their name,

  • Within his sober realm of leafless trees
      The russet year inhaled the dreamy air;
    Like some tanned reaper in his hour of ease,
      When all the fields are lying brown and bare.

    The gray barns looking from their lazy hills
      O’er the dim waters widening in the vales,
    Sent down the air a greeting to the mills,
      On the dull thunder of...

  • Blind as the song of birds,
      Feeling its way into the heart,
    Or as a thought ere it hath words,—
      As blind thou art:

    Or as a little stream
      A dainty hand might guide apart,
    Or Love—young Love’s delicious dream—
      As blind thou art:

    Or as a slender bark,
      Where summer’s varying breezes start,
    Or blossoms...

  •     my soul to-day
        Is far away,
    Sailing the Vesuvian Bay;
        My winged boat,
        A bird afloat,
    Swings round the purple peaks remote:—

        Round purple peaks
        It sails, and seeks
    Blue inlets and their crystal creeks,
        Where high rocks throw,
        Through deeps below,
    A duplicated golden glow....

  • A song! What songs have died
      Upon the earth,
    Voices of love and pride—
      Of tears and mirth?
    Fading as hearts forget,
      As shadows flee!
    Vain is the voice of song,
        And yet—
          I sing to thee!

    A song! What ocean shell
      Were silent long,
    If in thy touch might dwell
      Its all of song?...

  • The knightliest of the knightly race
      That, since the days of old,
    Have kept the lamp of chivalry
      Alight in hearts of gold;
    The kindliest of the kindly band
      That, rarely hating ease,
    Yet rode with Spotswood round the land,
      And Raleigh round the seas;

    Who climbed the blue Virginian hills
      Against embattled foes,...

  • Out of the focal and foremost fire,
    Out of the hospital walls as dire;
    Smitten of grape-shot and gangrene,
    (Eighteenth battle, and he sixteen!)
    Spectre! such as you seldom see,
    Little Giffen, of Tennessee!

    “Take him and welcome!” the surgeons said;
    Little the doctor can help the dead!
    So we took him; and brought him where...

  • City of God, how broad and far
      Outspread thy walls sublime!
    The true thy chartered freemen are,
      Of every age and clime.

    One holy Church, one army strong,
      One steadfast high intent,
    One working band, one harvest-song,
      One King Omnipotent.

    How purely hath thy speech come down
      From man’s primeval youth;

  • Life of Ages, richly poured,
    Love of God, unspent and free,
    Flowing in the Prophet’s word
    And the People’s liberty!

    Never was to chosen race
    That unstinted tide confined;
    Thine is every time and place,
    Fountain sweet of heart and mind!

    Secret of the morning stars,
    Motion of the oldest hours,
    Pledge through...