• Alas! that men must see
        Love, before Death!
    Else they content might be
        With their short breath;
    Aye, glad, when the pale sun
    Showed restless Day was done,
    And endless Rest begun.

    Glad, when with strong, cool hand
        Death clasped their own,
    And with a strange command
        Hushed every moan;

  • The bearded grass waves in the summer breeze;
    The sunlight sleeps along the distant hills;
    Faint is the music of the murmuring rills,
    And faint the drowsy piping of the bees.
    The languid leaves scarce stir upon the trees,
    And scarce is heard the clangor of the mills
    In the far distance, and the high, sharp trills
    Of the cicada die upon...

  • Calm death, God of crossed hands and passionless eyes,
    Thou God that never heedest gift nor prayer,
    Men blindly call thee cruel, unaware
    That everything is dearer since it dies.
    Worn by the chain of years, without surprise,
    The wise man welcomes thee, and leaves the glare
    Of noisy sunshine gladly, and his share
    He chose not in mad life...

  • O ye who see with other eyes than ours,
    And speak with tongues we are too deaf to hear,
    Whose touch we cannot feel yet know ye near,
    When, with a sense of yet undreamed-of powers,
    We sudden pierce the cloud of sense that lowers,
    Enwrapping us as ’t were our spirit’s tomb,
    And catch some sudden glory through the gloom,
    As Arctic sufferers...

  • Through some strange sense of sight or touch
    I find what all have found before,
    The presence I have feared so much,
    The unknown’s immaterial door.

    I seek not and it comes to me;
    The do not know the thing I find:
    The fillet of fatality
    Drops from my brows that made me blind.

    Point forward now or backward, light!
    The way...

  • I Shall go out when the light comes in—
      There lie my cast-off form and face;
    I shall pass Dawn on her way to earth,
      As I seek for a path through space.

    I shall go out when the light comes in;
      Would I might take one ray with me!
    It is blackest night between the worlds,
      And how is a soul to see?

  • Lay me down beneaf de willers in de grass,
    Whah de branch ’ll go a-singin’ as it pass.
      An’ w’en I ’s a-layin’ low,
      I kin hyeah it as it go
    Singin’, “Sleep, my honey, tek yo’ res’ at las’.”

    Lay me nigh to whah hit meks a little pool,
    An’ de watah stan’s so quiet lak an’ cool,
      Whah de little birds in spring
      Ust to come an...

  • From the Dutch by H. S. Van Dyk

    A HOST of angels flying,
      Through cloudless skies impelled,
      Upon the earth beheld
    A pearl of beauty lying,
      Worthy to glitter bright
      In heaven’s vast hall of light.

    They saw, with glances tender,
      An infant newly born,
      O’er whom life’s earliest morn
    Just cast its opening...

  •       “TILL death us part,”
          Thus speaks the heart
    When each to each repeats the words of doom;
          For better and for worse,
          Through blessing and through curse,
    We shall be one, till life’s last hour shall come.

          Life with its myriad grasp
          Our yearning souls shall clasp
    By ceaseless love and still...

  • From “Hamlet,” Act III. Sc. 1.
      HAMLET.—To be, or not to be,—that is the question:—
    Whether ’t is nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
    And, by opposing, end them?—To die, to sleep;—
    No more; and, by a sleep, to say we end
    The heart-ache, and the thousand...