• The Maid, as by the papers doth appear,
    Whom fifty thousand dollars made so dear,
    To test Lothario’s passion, simply said:
    “Forego the weed before we go to wed.
    For smoke take flame; I ’ll be that flame’s bright fanner:
    To have your Anna, give up your Havana.”
    But he, when thus she brought him to the scratch,
    Lit his cigar and threw away...

  • “now unto yonder wood-pile go,
      Where toil till I return;
    And feel how proud a thing it is
      A livelihood to earn.”
    A saddened look came o’er the tramp;
      He seemed like one bereft.
    He stowed away the victuals cold,
      He—saw the wood, and left.

  • Behold the mansion reared by dædal Jack.

    See the malt, stored in many a plethoric sack,
    In the proud cirque of Ivan’s bivouac.

    Mark how the rat’s felonious fangs invade
    The golden stores in John’s pavilion laid.

    Anon, with velvet foot and Tarquin strides,
    Subtle grimalkin to his quarry glides,—
    Grimalkin grim, that slew the fierce...

  • He killed the noble Mudjokivis.
    Of the skin he made him mittens,
    Made them with the fur side inside,
    Made them with the skin side outside.
    He, to get the warm side inside,
    Put the inside skin side outside;
    He, to get the cold side outside,
    Put the warm side fur side inside.
    That ’s why he put the fur side inside,
    Why he...

  • Chilly Dovebber with its boadigg blast
      Dow cubs add strips the beddow add the lawd,
    Eved October’s suddy days are past—
                Add Subber ’s gawd!

    I kdow dot what it is to which I cligg
      That stirs to sogg add sorrow, yet I trust
    That still I sigg, but as the liddets sigg—
                Because I bust.

    Dear leaves that...

  • An Austrian army, awfully arrayed,
    Boldly by battery besieged Belgrade.
    Cossack commanders cannonading come,
    Dealing destruction’s devastating doom.
    Every endeavor engineers essay,
    For fame, for fortune fighting,—furious fray!
    Generals ’gainst generals grapple—gracious God!
    How honors Heaven heroic hardihood!

  • I Only knew she came and went  Lowell.
      Like troutlets in a pool;  Hood.
    She was a phantom of delight,  Wordsworth.
      And I was like a fool.  Eastman.

    One kiss, dear maid, I said, and sighed,  Coleridge.
      Out of those lips unshorn:  Longfellow.
    She shook her ringlets round her head,  Stoddard.
      And laughed in merry scorn.  Tennyson...

  • From Punch
    Being a Mathematical Madrigal in the Simplest Form

    CHARMER, on a given straight line,
    And which we will call B C,
    Meeting at a common point A,
    Draw the lines A C, A B.
    But, my sweetest, so arrange it
    That they ’re equal, all the three;
    Then you ’ll find that, in the sequel,
    All their angles, too are equal....

  • Upon a rock yet uncreate,
    Amid a chaos inchoate,
    An uncreated being sate;
    Beneath him, rock,
    Above him, cloud.
    And the cloud was rock,
    And the rock was cloud.
    The rock then growing soft and warm,
    The cloud began to take a form,
    A form chaotic, vast, and vague,
    Which issued in the cosmic egg.
    Then the Being...

  • Sweet maiden of Passamaquoddy,
      Shall we seek for communion of souls
    Where the deep Mississippi meanders,
      Or the distant Saskatchewan rolls?

    Ah no,—for in Maine I will find thee
      A sweetly sequestrated nook
    Where the far winding Skoodoowabskooksis
      Conjoiins with the Skoodoowabskook.

    There wander two beautiful rivers,...