• Talk with prudence to a Beggar

    Of "Potose," and the mines!

    Reverently, to the Hungry

    Of your viands, and your wines!

    Cautious, hint to any Captive

    You have passed enfranchised feet!

    Anecdotes of air in Dungeons

    Have sometimes proved deadly sweet!

  • Oh! the circus swooped down

    On the Narrabri town,

    For the Narrabri populace moneyed are;

    And the showman he smiled

    At the folk he beguiled

    To come all the distance from Gunnedah.

    But a juvenile smart,

    Who objected to "part",

    Went in on the nod, and to do it he


  • Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silv'ry Tay!

    Alas! I am very sorry to say

    That ninety lives have been taken away

    On the last Sabbath day of 1879,

    Which will be remember'd for a very long time.

    'Twas about seven o'clock at night,

    And the wind it blew with all its might,

    And the...

  • Teach Him — When He makes the names —

    Such an one — to say —

    On his babbling — Berry — lips —

    As should sound — to me —

    Were my Ear — as near his nest —

    As my thought — today —

    As should sound —

    "Forbid us not" —

    Some like "Emily."

  •                 Child of the thoughtful brow,

            The speaking eye and the confiding look!

                    List to those teachings now,

            And make thy guiding star that Blessed Book.


                    If bright thy course of life,

            'Twill shed around thy path a holier ray;

  • Tell all the Truth but tell it slant —

    Success in Circuit lies

    Too bright for our infirm Delight

    The Truth's superb surprise

    As Lightning to the Children eased

    With explanation kind

    The Truth must dazzle gradually

    Or every man be blind —

  • Tell as a Marksman — were forgotten

    Tell — this Day endures

    Ruddy as that coeval Apple

    The Tradition bears —

    Fresh as Mankind that humble story

    Though a statelier Tale

    Grown in the Repetition hoary

    Scarcely would prevail —

    Tell had a son — The ones that knew it

  • * * *

    Terror in the house does roar

    But Pity stands before the door

  • Than Heaven more remote,

    For Heaven is the root,

    But these the flitted seed.

    More flown indeed

    Than ones that never were,

    Or those that hide, and are.

    What madness, by their side,

    A vision to provide

    Of future days

    They cannot praise.

    My soul,...