• His oriental heresies

    Exhilarate the Bee,

    And filling all the Earth and Air

    With gay apostasy

    Fatigued at last, a Clover plain

    Allures his jaded eye

    That lowly Breast where Butterflies

    Have felt it meet to die —

  • His voice decrepit was with Joy —

    Her words did totter so

    How old the News of Love must be

    To make Lips elderly

    That purled a moment since with Glee —

    Is it Delight or Woe —

    Or Terror — that do decorate

    This livid interview —

  • 1








  • Holy Thursday[1]

    Is this a holy thing to see

    In a rich & fruitful land,

    Babes reduced to misery?

    Fed with cold & usurous hand?

    Is that trembling cry a song?

    Can it be a song of joy?

    And so...

  •    'Mid pleasures and Palaces though we may roam,

        Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home!

        A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there,

        Which seek through the world, is ne'er met with elsewhere.

              Home! Home! sweet sweet Home!

        There's no place like Home! There's no place like...

  •         Maiden! in whose kindling eye,

            Burns the fire of prophecy,

            On whose brow its glories shine,

            Priestess at the hidden shrine;

            Tell me what fair visions rise,

            As the future greets thine eyes.

            Thither where thou still dost turn,


  • Alas! my fond enquiring soul,
    Doom'd in suspence to mourn;

    Now let thy moments calmly roll,
    Now let thy peace return.

    Why should'st thou let a...

  • Hope is a strange invention —

    A Patent of the Heart —

    In unremitting action

    Yet never wearing out —

    Of this electric Adjunct

    Not anything is known

    But its unique momentum

    Embellish all we own —

  • Hope is a subtle Glutton —

    He feeds upon the Fair —

    And yet — inspected closely

    What Abstinence is there —

    His is the Halcyon Table —

    That never seats but One —

    And whatsoever is consumed

    The same amount remain —

  • "Hope" is the thing with feathers

    That perches in the soul

    And sings the tune without the words

    And never stops at all

    And sweetest in the Gale is heard

    And sore must be the storm —

    That could abash the little Bird

    That kept so many warm —

    I've heard it in the...