• Except to Heaven, she is nought.

    Except for Angels — lone.

    Except to some wide-wandering Bee

    A flower superfluous blown.

    Except for winds — provincial.

    Except by Butterflies

    Unnoticed as a single dew

    That on the Acre lies.

    The smallest Housewife in the grass,

  • The soul selects her own society,

    Then shuts the door ;

    On her divine majority

    Obtrude no more.

    Unmoved, she notes the chariot's pausing

    At her low gate ;

    Unmoved, an emperor is kneeling

    Upon her mat.

  • Exhilaration is the Breeze

    That lifts us from the Ground

    And leaves us in another place

    Whose statement is not found —

    Returns us not, but after time

    We soberly descend

    A little newer for the term

    Upon Enchanted Ground —

  • Exhilaration — is within —

    There can no Outer Wine

    So royally intoxicate

    As that diviner Brand

    The Soul achieves — Herself —

    To drink — or set away

    For Visitor — Or Sacrament —

    'Tis not of Holiday

    To stimulate a Man

    Who hath the Ample Rhine


  • Expanse cannot be lost —

    Not Joy, but a Decree

    Is Deity —

    His Scene, Infinity —

    Whose rumor's Gate was shut so tight

    Before my Beam was sown,

    Not even a Prognostic's push

    Could make a Dent thereon —

    The World that thou hast opened

    Shuts for thee,


  • Expectation — is Contentment —

    Gain — Satiety —

    But Satiety — Conviction

    Of Necessity

    Of an Austere trait in Pleasure —

    Good, without alarm

    Is a too established Fortune —

    Danger — deepens Sum —

  • Experience is the Angled Road

    Preferred against the Mind

    By — Paradox — the Mind itself —

    Presuming it to lead

    Quite Opposite — How Complicate

    The Discipline of Man —

    Compelling Him to Choose Himself

    His Preappointed Pain —

  • Experiment escorts us last -

    His pungent company

    Will not allow an Axiom

    An Opportunity

  • Experiment to me

    Is every one I meet

    If it contain a Kernel?

    The Figure of a Nut

    Presents upon a Tree

    Equally plausibly,

    But Meat within, is requisite

    To Squirrels, and to Me.

  • SO, so, break off this last lamenting kiss,
    Which sucks two souls, and vapours both away;

    Turn, thou ghost, that way, and let me turn this,
    And let ourselves benight our happiest day.

    We ask none leave to love; nor will we owe