• Dew — is the Freshet in the Grass —

    'Tis many a tiny Mill

    Turns unperceived beneath our feet

    And Artisan lies still —

    We spy the Forests and the Hills

    The Tents to Nature's Show

    Mistake the Outside for the in

    And mention what we saw.

    Could Commentators on the Sign...

  • Did life's penurious length

    Italicize its sweetness,

    The men that daily live

    Would stand so deep in joy

    That it would clog the cogs

    Of that revolving reason

    Whose esoteric belt

    Protects our sanity.

  • Did Our Best Moment last —

    'Twould supersede the Heaven —

    A few — and they by Risk — procure —

    So this Sort — are not given —

    Except as stimulants — in

    Cases of Despair —

    Or Stupor — The Reserve —

    These Heavenly Moments are —

    A Grant of the Divine —


  • Did the Harebell loose her girdle

    To the lover Bee

    Would the Bee the Harebell hallow

    Much as formerly?

    Did the "Paradise" — persuaded —

    Yield her moat of pearl —

    Would the Eden be an Eden,

    Or the Earl — an Earl?

  • Did We abolish Frost

    The Summer would not cease —

    If Seasons perish or prevail

    Is optional with Us —

  • Did we disobey Him?

    Just one time!

    Charged us to forget Him —

    But we couldn't learn!

    Were Himself — such a Dunce —

    What would we — do?

    Love the dull lad — best —

    Oh, wouldn't you?

  • Did you ever stand in a Cavern's Mouth —

    Widths out of the Sun —

    And look — and shudder, and block your breath —

    And deem to be alone

    In such a place, what horror,

    How Goblin it would be —

    And fly, as 'twere pursuing you?

    Then Loneliness — looks so —

    Did you ever look...

  •         Throw open, once again,

                The portals of the tomb;

            And give, among the glorious dead,

                Another hero room!


            Unclose your shadowy ranks,

                Illustrious shades, unclose!

            The valiant Leader, crowned with years,

  • SHE's dead; and all which die
    To their first elements resolve;

    And we were mutual elements to us,
    And made of one another.
    My body...