•             [A SCHOOL COMPOSITION.]


                On what sweet shore the blue AEgean laves,

                Where loveliness is wedded to decay, --

                Beauty to desolation, -- 'mid the graves

                Of an immortal race, and ruins, gray

                With the dim veil of years, a sleeper lay; --...

  •  I bore my mystic chalice unto Earth

        With vintage which no lips of hers might name;

      Only, in token of its alien birth,

        Love crowned it with his soft, immortal flame,

               And, 'mid the world's wide sound,

          Sacred reserves and silences breathed round,--

        A spell to keep it pure...

  • * * *

    Can there be any thing more mean

    More Malice in disguise

    Than Praise a Man for doing what

    That Man does most despise
    5 Reynolds Lectures Exactly so

    When he praises Michael Angelo


  • Candor — my tepid friend —

    Come not to play with me —

    The Myrrhs, and Mochas, of the Mind

    Are its iniquity —

  • FOR God's sake hold your tongue, and let me love;
    Or chide my palsy, or my gout;
    My five gray hairs, or ruin'd fortune flout;

    With wealth your state, your mind with arts improve;

  • A Cap of Lead across the sky

    Was tight and surly drawn

    We could not find the mighty Face

    The Figure was withdrawn —

    A Chill came up as from a shaft

    Our noon became a well

    A Thunder storm combines the charms

    Of Winter and of Hell.

  • Methought I saw him but I knew him not;

    He was so changed from what he used to be,

    There was no redness on his woe-worn cheek,

    No sunny smile upon his ashy lips,

    His hollow wandering eyes looked wild and fierce,

    And grief was printed on his marble brow,

    And O I thought he clasped his wasted hands,


    Old Care with Industry and Art,

    At length so well had play'd his part;

    He heap'd up such an ample store,

    That Av'rice cou'd not sigh for more:
    5Ten thousand flocks his shepherd told...