• What Twigs We held by —

    Oh the View

    When Life's swift River striven through

    We pause before a further plunge

    To take Momentum —

    As the Fringe

    Upon a former Garment shows

    The Garment cast,

    Our Props disclose

    So scant, so eminently small

    Of Might to...

  • What we see we know somewhat

    Be it but a little —

    What we don't surmise we do

    Though it shows so fickle

    I shall vote for Lands with Locks

    Granted I can pick 'em —

    Transport's doubtful Dividend

    Patented by Adam.

  • What would I give to see his face?

    I'd give — I'd give my life — of course —

    But that is not enough!

    Stop just a minute — let me think!

    I'd give my biggest Bobolink!

    That makes two — Him — and Life!

    You know who "June" is —

    I'd give her —

    Roses a day from Zanzibar —


  • Whatever it is — she has tried it —

    Awful Father of Love —

    Is not Ours the chastising —

    Do not chastise the Dove —

    Not for Ourselves, petition —

    Nothing is left to pray —

    When a subject is finished —

    Words are handed away —

    Only lest she be lonely

    In thy...

  • When a Lover is a Beggar

    Abject is his Knee —

    When a Lover is an Owner

    Different is he —

    What he begged is then the Beggar —

    Oh disparity —

    Bread of Heaven resents bestowal

    Like an obloquy —

  •  * * * [2]

    When a Man has Married a Wife

    he finds out whether

    Her knees & elbows are only

    glued together

  • When Bells stop ringing — Church — begins

    The Positive — of Bells —

    When Cogs — stop — that's Circumference —

    The Ultimate — of Wheels.

  • 'Twas to a small, up-country town,

    When we were boys at school,

    There came a circus with a clown,

    Likewise a bucking mule.

    The clown announced a scheme they had

    Spectators for to bring --

    They'd give a crown to any lad

    Who's ride him round the ring.

        And, Gentle reader,...

  • When Diamonds are a Legend,

    And Diadems — a Tale —

    I Brooch and Earrings for Myself,

    Do sow, and Raise for sale —

    And tho' I'm scarce accounted,

    My Art, a Summer Day — had Patrons —

    Once — it was a Queen —

    And once — a Butterfly —

  • When Etna basks and purrs

    Naples is more afraid

    Than when she show her Garnet Tooth —

    Security is loud —