
When the low heavy sky weighs like a lid
Upon the spirit aching for the light

And all the wide horizon’s line is hid


In those old times wherein Theology

Flourished with greater sap and energy,

A celebrated doctor—so they say—

Having stirred many careless hearts one day

Down to their dullest depths,...


To pay his ransom man must toil
With Reason's implement alone


Then I will dream of blue horizons deep;

Of gardens where the marble fountains weep;

Of kisses, and of ever-singing birds—

A sinless Idyll built of innocent words.

And Trouble, knocking at my window-pane



I know your heart, which overflows
With outworn loves long cast aside,

Still like a furnace flames and glows,

And you within your breast enclose


I am as lovely as a dream in stone,

And this my heart where each finds death in turn,

Inspires the poet with a love as lone

As clay eternal and as taciturn.

Swan-white of heart,...


Thou, O my Grief, be wise and tranquil still,

The eve is thine which even now drops down,

To carry peace or care to human will,

And in a misty veil enfolds the town.



Robed in a silken robe that shines and shakes,
She seems to dance whene'er she treads the sod,

Like the long serpent that a...


Fair is the sun when first he flames above,
Flinging his joy down in a happy beam;

And happy he who can salute with love
