Ah no! my love knows no vain jealousy:

            The rose that blooms and lives but in the sun,

            Asks not what other flowers he shines upon,

        If he but shine on her. Enough for me,

            Thus in...


        Night closes round me, and wild threatening forms

            Clasp me with icy arms and chain me down,

            And bind upon my brow a cypress crown,

        Dewy with tears, and heaven frowns dark with storms;


        Go forth in life, oh friend! not seeking love;

            A mendicant, that with imploring eye

            And outstretched hand asks of the passers by

        The alms his strong necessities may move.

        For such...


        If the young mother clasp, for the first time,

            The mortal child that earthly love has given,

            With a deep joy preluding that of heaven;

        Who shall describe thy ecstacy sublime,



        The enthusiast brooding in his cell apart

           O'er the sad image of the Crucified,---

           The drooping head, closed lips and piercéd side,---

        A holy vision fills his raptured heart;



        The honey-bee that wanders all day long,

            The field, the woodland, and the garden o'er,

            To gather in his fragrant winter store,

        Humming in calm content his quiet song,

        Seeks not...


        The mountain lake, o'ershadowed by the hills,

            May still gaze heavenward on the evening star,

        Whose distant light its dark recesses fills,

            Though boundless distance must divide them far;
