• Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
      Old Time is still a flying;
    And this same flower that smiles to-day
      To-morrow will be dying.

    The glorious lamp of Heaven, the sun,
      The higher he ’s a-getting,
    The sooner will his race be run,
      And nearer he ’s to setting.

    The age is best which is the first,
      When youth and blood...

  • Sweet, be not proud of those two eyes,
    Which starlike sparkle in their skies;
    Nor be you proud that you can see
    All hearts your captives, yours yet free.
    Be you not proud of that rich hair,
    Which wantons with the lovesick air;
    Whenas that ruby which you wear,
    Sunk from the tip of your soft ear,
    Will last to be a precious stone...

  • Whenas in silks my Julia goes,
    Then, then, methinks, how sweetly flowes
    That liquefaction of her clothes.

    Next, when I cast mine eyes and see
    That brave vibration each way free,
    O how that glittering taketh me!

  • 1.  AMONG thy fancies tell me this:
      What is the thing we call a kiss?
    2.  I shall resolve ye what it is:

      It is a creature born and bred
      Between the lips all cherry red,
      By love and warm desires fed;
    Chor.  And makes more soft the bridal bed.

      It is an active flame, that flies
      First to the babies of the eyes,...

  • To Julia
    HER eyes the glow-worme lend thee,
    The shooting-starres attend thee,
          And the elves also,
          Whose little eyes glow
    Like the sparks of fire, befriend thee.

    No Will-o’-th’-wispe mislight thee,
    Nor snake nor slow-worm bite thee;
          But on thy way,
          Not making stay,
    Since ghost there ’s none...

  • In the hour of my distress,
    When temptations me oppress,
    And when I my sins confess,
        Sweet Spirit, comfort me!

    When I lie within my bed,
    Sick at heart, and sick in head,
    And with doubts discomforted,
        Sweet Spirit, comfort me!

    When the house doth sigh and weep,
    And the world is drowned in sleep,
    Yet mine...

  • A Thanksgiving to God for a House in the Green Parish of Devonshire

    LORD, thou hast given me a cell
              Wherein to dwell,
    A little house, whose humble roof
              Is weather proof;
    Under the sparres of which I lie,
              Both soft and drie;
    Where thou, my chamber for to ward,
              Hast set a guard

  • Is this a fast,—to keep
        The larder lean,
            And clean
    From fat of veals and sheep?

    Is it to quit the dish
        Of flesh, yet still
            To fill
    The platter high with fish?

    Is it to fast an hour,
        Or ragg’d to go,
            Or show
    A downcast look, and sour?

    No! ’t is a fast to dole...

  •   FAIRE daffadills, we weep to see
      You haste away so soone;
    As yet the early-rising sun
      Has not attained his noone.
            Stay, stay,
      Until the hastening day
            Has run
      But to the even-song;
    And having prayed together, we
      Will goe with you along.

    We have short time to stay as you,

  • Welcome, maids of honor!
        You doe bring
        In the Spring,
    And wait upon her.

    She has virgins many,
        Fresh and faire;
        Yet you are
    More sweet than any.

    Y’ are the maiden Posies,
        And, so grac’t,
        To be plac’t
    ’Fore damask roses.

    Yet though thus respected,
        By and by...