• I wander’d lonely as a cloud
    That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
    When all at once I saw a crowd,
    A host, of golden daffodils;
    Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
    Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

    Continuous as the stars that shine
    And twinkle on the Milky Way,
    They stretch’d in never-ending line
    Along the margin of a bay;

  • When we were idlers with the loitering rills,
    The need of human love we little noted:
    Our love was nature; and the peace that floated
    On the white mist, and dwelt upon the hills,
    To sweet accord subdued our wayward wills:
    One soul was ours, one mind, one heart devoted,
    That, wisely doting, ask’d not why it doted,
    And ours the unknown joy, which knowing kills...

  • The fair varieties of earth,
    The heavens serene and blue above,
    The rippling smile of mighty seas—
    What is the charm of all, but love?

    By love they minister to thought,
    Love makes them breathe the poet’s song;
    When their Creator best is prais’d,
    ‘Tis love inspires the adoring throng.

    Knowledge, and power, and will supreme,
    Are but...

  • If any sense in mortal dust remains
    When mine has been refin'd from flower to flower,
    Won from the sun all colours, drunk the shower
    And delicate winy dews, and gain'd the gains
    Which elves who sleep in airy bells, a-swing
    Through half a summer day, for love bestow,
    Then in some warm old garden let me grow
    To such a perfect, lush, ambrosian thing...

  • I found Thee in my heart, O Lord,
    As in some secret shrine;
    I knelt, I waited for Thy word,
    I joyed to name Thee mine.

    I feared to give myself away
    To that or this; beside
    Thy altar on my face I lay,
    And in strong need I cried.

    Those hours are past. Thou art not mine,
    And therefore I rejoice,
    I wait within no holy shrine...

  • Room after room,
    I hunt the house through
    We inhabit together.
    Heart, fear nothing, for, heart, thou shalt find her--
    Next time, herself!--not the trouble behind her
    Left in the curtain, the couch's perfume!
    As she brushed it, the cornice-wreath blossomed anew:
    Yon looking-glass gleaned at the wave of her feather.

    Yet the day wears,

  • I said--Then, dearest, since 'tis so,
    Since now at length my fate I know,
    Since nothing all my love avails,
    Since all, my life seem'd meant for, fails,
    Since this was written and needs must be--
    My whole heart rises up to bless
    Your name in pride and thankfulness!
    Take back the hope you gave,--I claim
    Only a memory of the same,
    --And this...

  • Maxwelton's hills are bonnie
    Where early falls the dew
    And 'twas there that Annie Laurie
    Gived me her promise true.
    Gived me her promise true
    Which ne'er forgot shall be
    And for bonnie Annie Laurie
    I'd lay me down and die.

    Her brow is like the snow drift,
    Her throat is like the swan,
    Her face, it is the fairest
    That e'er the sun...

  • Friend, whose smile has come to be
    Very precious unto me,
    Though I know I drank not first
    Of your love’s bright fountain-burst,
    Yet I grieve not for the past,
    So you only love me last!

    Other souls may find their joy
    In the blind love of a boy:
    Give me that which years have tried,
    Disciplined and purified,—
    Such as, braving sun and...

  • Love not, love not! ye hapless sons of clay!
    Hope’s gayest wreaths are made of earthly flowers—
    Things that are made to fade and fall away
    Ere they have blossom’d for a few short hours.
    Love not!

    Love not! the thing ye love may change:
    The rosy lip may cease to smile on you,
    The kindly-beaming eye grow cold and strange,
    The heart still warmly...