• From “The Lay of the Last Minstrel,” Canto VI.

    BREATHES there the man with soul so dead
    Who never to himself hath said,
      This is my own, my native land!
    Whose heart has ne’er within him burned,
    As home his footsteps he hath turned
      From wandering on a foreign strand?
    If such there breathe, go, mark him well;
    For him no minstrel...

  • ( A Émile Le Brun)

    "Angels" ! seul coin luisant dans ce Londres du soir,
    Où flambe un peu de gaz et jase quelque foule,
    C'est drôle que, semblable à tel très dur espoir,
    Tout souvenir m'obsède et puissamment enroule
    Autour de mon esprit un regret rouge et noir :

    Devantures, chansons, omnibus et les danses
    Dans le demi-brouillard où flue un goût de...

  • There came a stranger to Walgett town,

    To Walgett town when the sun was low,

    And he carried a thirst that was worth a crown,

    Yet how to quench it he did not know;

    But he thought he might take those yokels down,

    The guileless yokels of Walgett town.

    They made him a bet in a private bar,


  • * * *

    Can there be any thing more mean

    More Malice in disguise

    Than Praise a Man for doing what

    That Man does most despise
    5 Reynolds Lectures Exactly so

    When he praises Michael Angelo


  • I cannot see my soul but know 'tis there

    Nor ever saw his house nor furniture,

    Who has invited me with him to dwell;

    But a confiding guest consult as well,

    What raiment honor him the most,

    That I be adequately dressed,

    For he insures to none

    Lest men specified adorn

    Procuring him...

  • If He dissolve — then — there is nothing — more —

    Eclipse — at Midnight —

    It was dark — before —

    Sunset — at Easter —

    Blindness — on the Dawn —

    Faint Star of Bethlehem —

    Gone down!

    Would but some God — inform Him —

    Or it be too late!

    Say — that the pulse just...

  • One Day is there of the Series

    Termed Thanksgiving Day.

    Celebrated part at Table

    Part in Memory.

    Neither Patriarch nor Pussy

    I dissect the Play

    Seems it to my Hooded thinking

    Reflex Holiday.

    Had there been no sharp Subtraction

    From the early Sum —

  • Some things that fly there be —

    Birds — Hours — the Bumblebee —

    Of these no Elegy.

    Some things that stay there be —

    Grief — Hills — Eternity —

    Nor this behooveth me.

    There are that resting, rise.

    Can I expound the skies?

    How still the Riddle lies!

  • That Love is all there is,

    Is all we know of Love;

    It is enough, the freight should be

    Proportioned to the groove.

  • There are two Mays

    And then a Must

    And after that a Shall.

    How infinite the compromise

    That indicates I will!