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I askd my Dear Friend Orator Prigg[4]

Whats the first part of Oratory he said a great wig

And what is the second then dancing a jig


I should not dare to leave my friend,

Because — because if he should die

While I was gone — and I — too late —

Should reach the Heart that wanted me —

If I should disappoint the eyes

That hunted — hunted so — to...


My friend attacks my friend!

Oh Battle picturesque!

Then I turn Soldier too,

And he turns Satirist!

How martial is this place!

Had I a mighty gun

I think I'd shoot the human race

And then to...


My friend must be a Bird —

Because it flies!

Mortal, my friend must be,

Because it dies!

Barbs has it, like a Bee!

Ah, curious friend!

Thou puzzlest me!


Thou magic lyre, whose fascinating sound

   Seduc'd the savage monsters from their cave,

Drew rocks and trees, and forms uncouth around,

   And bade wild Hebrus hush his list'ning wave;

No more thy undulating warblings flow...



            There was no bell to peal thy funeral dirge,

            No nodding plumes to wave above thy bier,

            No shroud to wrap thee but the foaming surge,

            No kindly voices thy dark way to cheer,


        I thought the Soul of Song had made

            This heart of mine her sepulchre;

        For all her golden dreams had fled,

            And I could win no note from her.


        But when for thee thou bid'...


To all young Men that love to Wooe,

To Kiss and Dance, and Tumble too;

Draw near and Counsel take of me,

Your faithful Pilot I will be:

Kiss who you please, Joan, Kate, or Mary,

But still this Counsel with you...


          He who has walked among his fellow-men

          This life's rough path for threescore years and ten,

          Bearing for others, on the weary way,

          The heat and burden of the toilsome day;

