• Whoe’er she be,
    That not impossible She
    That shall command my heart and me:

    Where’er she lie,
    Locked up from mortal eye
    In shady leaves of destiny:

    Till that ripe birth
    Of studied Fate stand forth,
    And teach her fair steps tread our earth;

    Till that divine
    Idea take a shrine
    Of crystal flesh, through...

  • During His Solitary Abode in the Island of Juan Fernandez

    I AM monarch of all I survey,—
      My right there is none to dispute;
    From the centre all round to the sea,
      I am lord of the fowl and the brute.
    O Solitude! where are the charms
      That sages have seen in thy face?
    Better dwell in the midst of alarms
      Than reign in this...

  • Death warrants are supposed to be

    An enginery of equity

    A merciful mistake

    A pencil in an Idol's Hand

    A Devotee has oft consigned

    To Crucifix or Block

  • Thou magic lyre, whose fascinating sound

       Seduc'd the savage monsters from their cave,

    Drew rocks and trees, and forms uncouth around,

       And bade wild Hebrus hush his list'ning wave;

    No more thy undulating warblings flow

    O'er Thracian wilds of everlasting snow!

    Awake to sweeter sounds, thou...

  • Sleep is supposed to be,

    By souls of sanity,

    The shutting of the eye.

    Sleep is the station grand

    Down which on either hand

    The hosts of witness stand !

    Morn is supposed to be,

    By people of degree,...

  •  * * *

    There was an Old Man who supposed,

    That the street door was partially closed;

           But some very large rats,

           Ate his coats and his hats,

    While that futile old gentleman dozed.

    <Publ. 1846>

  • I am monarch of all I survey,

        My right there is none to dispute;

    From the center all round to the sea

        I am lord of the fowl and the brute.

    O solitude! where are the charms

        That sages have seen in thy face?

    Better dwell in the midst of alarms

        Than reign in this horrible...