• Now comes the graybeard of the north:
      The forests bare their rugged breasts
    To every wind that wanders forth,
      And, in their arms, the lonely nests
    That housed the birdlings months ago
    Are egged with flakes of drifted snow.

    No more the robin pipes his lay
      To greet the flushed advance of morn;
    He sings in valleys far away;...

  • It is in Winter that we dream of Spring;
      For all the barren bleakness and the cold,
      The longing fancy sees the frozen mould
    Decked with sweet blossoming.

    Though all the birds be silent,—though
      The fettered stream’s soft voice be still,
    And on the leafless bough the snow
      Be rested, marble-like and chill,—
    Yet will the...

  • Pale beryl sky, with clouds
            Hued like dove’s wing,
            The dying day,
    And whose edge half enshrouds
      The first fair evening star,
      Most crystalline by far
    Of all the stars that night enring,
      Half human in its ray,—
    What blessed, soothing sense of calm
    Comes with this twilight,—...

  •         “se dio ti lasci, lettor, prender frutto
    Di tua lezione.”

  • I know it must be winter (though I sleep)—
      I know it must be winter, for I dream
      I dip my bare feet in the running stream,
    And flowers are many, and the grass grows deep.

    I know I must be old (how age deceives!)—
      I know I must be old, for, all unseen,
      My heart grows young, as autumn fields grow green,
    When late rains patter on...

  • Soft-sandalled twilight, handmaid of the night,
    Before her noble lady’s radiant face
    Doth slowly come, with gentle, quiet pace,
    And draweth rose and azure curtains light
    Around the snowy couch, so pure, so white,
    Whereon her mistress soon will rest. With grace
    Celestial she doth cover every trace
    Of toil, and daily soil doth hide from...

  • Ho, a song by the fire!
    (Pass the pipes, fill the bowl!)
    Ho, a song by the fire!
    —With a skoal!…
    For the wolf wind is whining in the doorways,
    And the snow drifts deep along the road,
    And the ice-gnomes are marching from their Norways,
    And the great white cold walks abroad.
    (Boo-oo-o! pass the bowl!)
        For here by the...

  • O Thou of home the guardian Lar,
    And, when our earth hath wandered far
    Into the cold, and deep snow covers
    The walks of our New England lovers,
    Their sweet secluded evening-star!
    ’T was with thy rays the English Muse
    Ripened her mild domestic hues;
    ’T was by thy flicker that she conned
    The fireside wisdom that enrings

  • From “Snow-Bound”
    THE SUN that brief December day
    Rose cheerless over hills of gray,
    And, darkly circled, gave at noon
    A sadder light than waning moon.
    Slow tracing down the thickening sky
    Its mute and ominous prophecy,
    A portent seeming less than threat,
    It sank from sight before it set.
    A chill no coat, however stout,...

  •   OLD wine to drink!—
    Ay, give the slippery juice
    That drippeth from the grape thrown loose
        Within the tun;
    Plucked from beneath the cliff
    Of sunny-sided Teneriffe,
      And ripened ’neath the blink
        Of India’s sun!
        Peat whiskey hot,
    Tempered with well-boiled water!
    These make the long night shorter,—...