A mighty Hand, from an exhaustless Urn,
Pours forth the never-ending Flood of Years,
Among the nations. How the rushing waves
Bear all before them! On their foremost edge,
And there alone, is Life. The Present there
Tosses and foams, and fills the air with...

Three years she grew in sun and shower;
Then Nature said, “A lovelier flower
  On earth was never sown:
This child I to myself will take;
She shall be mine, and I will make
  A lady of my own.

“Myself will to my darling be
Both law and...

  WHENE’ER with haggard eyes I view
    This dungeon that I ’m rotting in,
  I think of those companions true
    Who studied with me at the U-
                niversity of Gottingen,
                niversity of Gottingen.

  [Weeps and pulls out...

In Ebon Box, when years have flown

To reverently peer,

Wiping away the velvet dust

Summers have sprinkled there!

To hold a letter to the light —

Grown Tawny now, with time —

To con the faded...


The harm of Years is on him —

The infamy of Time —

Depose him like a Fashion

And give Dominion room.

Forget his Morning Forces —

The Glory of Decay

Is a minuter Pageant

Than least...


The Months have ends — the Years — a knot —

No Power can untie

To stretch a little further

A Skein of Misery —

The Earth lays back these tired lives

In her mysterious Drawers —

Too tenderly, that any...


The Pile of Years is not so high

As when you came before

But it is rising every Day

From recollection's Floor

And while by standing on my Heart

I still can reach the top

Efface the mountain with your face...
