• How little recks it where men lie,
      When once the moment’s past
    In which the dim and glazing eye
      Has looked on earth its last,—
    Whether beneath the sculptured urn
      The coffined form shall rest,
    Or in its nakedness return
      Back to its mother’s breast!

    Death is a common friend or foe,
      As different men may hold,...

  • From “Poems of Freedom”
    BE patient, O be patient! Put your ear against the earth;
    Listen there how noiselessly the germ o’ the seed has birth;
    How noiselessly and gently it upheaves its little way
    Till it parts the scarcely-broken ground, and the blade stands up in the day.

    Be patient, O be patient! the germs of mighty thought
    Must have their...

  •   HERE are old trees, tall oaks and gnarled pines,
    That stream with gray-green mosses; here the ground
    Was never trenched by spade, and flowers spring up
    Unsown, and die ungathered. It is sweet
    To linger here, among the flitting birds,
    And leaping squirrels, wandering brooks, and winds
    That shake the leaves, and scatter, as they pass,

  • From “Rienzi”
    I come not here to talk. Ye know too well
    The story of our thraldom. We are slaves!
    The bright sun rises to his course, and lights
    A race of slaves! he sets, and his last beam
    Falls on a slave! Not such as, swept along
    By the full tide of power, the conqueror leads
    To crimson glory...

  •    [After the English Revolution of 1688, all bishops were compelled to swear allegiance to William and Mary. Seven of them, adherents of James II., refused and were imprisoned for treason,—the “Non-Jurors.” Trelawney of Cornwall was one.]

    A GOOD sword and a trusty hand,
      A merry heart and true,
    King James’s men shall understand
      What Cornish lads can do....

  • When freedom from her home was driven,
      ’Mid vine-clad vales of Switzerland,
    She sought the glorious Alps of heaven,
    And there, ’mid cliffs by lightnings riven,
      Gathered her hero-band.

    And still outrings her freedom-song,
      Amid the glaciers sparkling there,
    At Sabbath bell, as peasants throng
    Their mountain fastnesses along...

  • From “William Tell”
      ONCE Switzerland was free! With what a pride
    I used to walk these hills,—look up to heaven,
    And bless God that it was so! It was free
    From end to end, from cliff to lake ’t was free!
    Free as our torrents are, that leap our rocks,
    And plough our valleys, without asking leave;
    Or as our peaks, that wear their caps of...

  • Her hair was tawny with gold, her eyes with purple were dark,
    Her cheeks’ pale opal burnt with a red and restless spark.

    Never was lady of Milan nobler in name and in race;
    Never was lady of Italy fairer to see in the face.

    Never was lady on earth more true as woman and wife,
    Larger in judgment and instinct, prouder in manners and life.


  • The Breaking waves dashed high
      On a stern and rock-bound coast,
    And the woods against a stormy sky
      Their giant branches tossed;

    And the heavy night hung dark
      The hills and waters o’er,
    When a band of exiles moored their bark
      On the wild New England shore.

    Not as the conqueror comes,
      They, the true-hearted,...

  • All grim and soiled and brown and tan,
      I saw a Strong One, in his wrath,
    Smiting the godless shrines of man
            Along his path.

    The Church beneath her trembling dome
      Essayed in vain her ghostly charm:
    Wealth shook within his gilded home
            With strange alarm.

    Fraud from his secret chambers fled