• In the ancient town of Bruges,
    In the quaint old Flemish city,
    As the evening shades descended,
    Low and loud and sweetly blended,
    Low at times and loud at times,
    And changing like a poet’s rhymes,
    Rang the beautiful wild chimes
    From the belfry in the market
    Of the ancient town of Bruges.

    Then, with deep sonorous clangor...

  • Taddeo Gaddi built me. I am old,
      Five centuries old. I plant my foot of stone
      Upon the Arno, as Saint Michael’s own
    Was planted on the dragon. Fold by fold
    Beneath me as it struggles, I behold
      Its glistening scales. Twice hath it overthrown
      My kindred and companions. Me alone
    It moveth not, but is by me controlled.
    I can...

  • From “Sospiri di Roma”

    HERE where the sunlight
    Floodeth the garden,
    Where the pomegranate
    Reareth its glory
    Of gorgeous blossom;
    Where the oleanders
    Dream through the noontides;
    And, like surf o’ the sea
    Round cliffs of basalt,
    The thick magnolias
    In billowy masses
    Front the sombre green of the...

  • When Roman fields are red with cyclamen,
      And in the palace gardens you may find,
      Under great leaves and sheltering briony-bind,
    Clusters of cream-white violets, oh then
    The ruined city of immortal men
      Must smile, a little to her fate resigned,
      And through her corridors the slow warm wind
    Gush harmonies beyond a mortal ken....

  • 1861
    over the dumb campagna-sea,
      Out in the offing through mist and rain,
    Saint Peter’s Church heaves silently
      Like a mighty ship in pain,
      Facing the tempest with struggle and strain.

    Motionless waifs of ruined towers,
      Soundless breakers of desolate land!
    The sullen surf of the mist devours
      That mountain-range...

  • Venice, thou Siren of sea cities, wrought
      By mirage, built on water, stair o’er stair,
      Of sunbeams and cloud shadows, phantom-fair,
    With naught of earth to mar thy sea-born thought!
    Thou floating film upon the wonder-fraught
      Ocean of dreams! Thou hast no dream so rare
      As are thy sons and daughters,—they who wear
    Foam flakes of...

  • Afloat; we move—delicious! Ah,
    What else is like the gondola?
    This level flow of liquid glass
    Begins beneath us swift to pass.
    It goes as though it went alone
    By some impulsion of its own.
    (How light it moves, how softly! Ah,
    Were all things like the gondola!)

    How light it moves, how softly! Ah,
    Could life, as does our...

  • From “View from the Euganean Hills”

      ALL is bright and clear and still
    Round the solitary hill.

    Beneath is spread like a green sea
    The waveless plain of Lombardy,
    Bounded by the vaporous air,
    Islanded by cities fair;
    Underneath day’s azure eyes,
    Ocean’s nursling, Venice, lies,—
    A peopled labyrinth of walls,

  • From “Aurora Leigh”
    WHOEVER lives true life, will love true love.
    I learned to love that England. Very oft,
    Before the day was born, or otherwise
    Through secret windings of the afternoons,
    I threw my hunters off and plunged myself
    Among the deep hills, as a hunted stag
    Will take the waters, shivering with the fear
    And passion of...

  • O, The PLEASANT days of old, which so often people praise!
    True, they wanted all the luxuries that grace our modern days:
    Bare floors were strewed with rushes, the walls let in the cold;
    O, how they must have shivered in those pleasant days of old!

    O, those ancient lords of old, how magnificent they were!
    They threw down and imprisoned kings,—to thwart...