• From “The Birthday”
    BUT chief—surpassing all—a cuckoo clock!
    That crowning wonder! miracle of art!
    How have I stood entranced uncounted minutes,
    With held-in breath, and eyes intently fixed
    On that small magic door, that when complete
    The expiring hour—the irreversible—
    Flew open with a startling suddenness
    That, though expected,...

  • I.
    where, girt with orchard and with olive-yard,
    The white hill-fortress glimmers on the hill,
    Day after day an ancient goldsmith’s skill
    Guided the copper graver, tempered hard
    By some lost secret, while he shaped the sard
    Slowly to beauty, and his tiny drill,
    Edged with corundum, ground its way until
    The gem lay perfect for the...

  • Make thyself known, Sibyl, or let despair
    Of knowing thee be absolute: I wait
    Hour-long and waste a soul. What word of fate
    Hides ’twixt the lips which smile and still forbear?
    Secret perfection! Mystery too fair!
    Tangle the sense no more, lest I should hate
    The delicate tyranny, the inviolate
    Poise of thy folded hands, the fallen hair....

  •   LORD of the winds! I feel thee nigh,
    I know thy breath in the burning sky!
    And I wait, with a thrill in every vein,
    For the coming of the hurricane!

      And lo! on the wing of the heavy gales,
    Through the boundless arch of heaven he sails.
    Silent and slow, and terribly strong,
    The mighty shadow is borne along,
    Like the dark...

  • A Cloud lay cradled near the setting sun,
      A gleam of crimson tinged its braided snow;
    Long had I watched the glory moving on
      O’er the still radiance of the lake below.
    Tranquil its spirit seemed, and floated slow!
      Even in its very motion there was rest;
    While every breath of eve that chanced to blow
      Wafted the traveller to the...

  • I Love to wander through the woodlands hoary
      In the soft light of an autumnal day,
    When Summer gathers up her robes of glory,
      And like a dream of beauty glides away.

    How through each loved, familiar path she lingers,
      Serenely smiling through the golden mist,
    Tinting the wild grape with her dewy fingers
      Till the cool emerald...

  • There ’s a city that lies in the Kingdom of Clouds,
      In the glorious country on high,
    Which an azure and silvery curtain enshrouds,
      To screen it from mortal eye;

    A city of temples and turrets of gold,
      That gleam by a sapphire sea,
    Like jewels more splendid than earth may behold,
      Or are dreamed of by you and by me.


  • It flows through old, hushed Ægypt and its sands,
      Like some grave, mighty thought threading a dream;
      And times and things, as in that vision, seem
    Keeping along it their eternal stands,—
    Caves, pillars, pyramids, the shepherd bands
      That roamed through the young world, the glory extreme
      Of high Sesostris, and that southern beam,

  • I Met a traveller from an antique land
    Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
    Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
    Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
    And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
    Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
    Which yet survive, stamped on those lifeless things,
    The hand that...

  • Dim dawn behind the tamarisks—the sky is saffron-yellow—
      As the women in the village grind the corn,
    And the parrots seek the river-side, each calling to his fellow
      That the Day, the staring Eastern Day is born.
        Oh the white dust on the highway!
            Oh the stenches in the byway!
          Oh the clammy fog that hovers over earth!...