• To sea! to sea! the calm is o’er,
      The wanton water leaps in sport,
    And rattles down the pebbly shore,
      The dolphin wheels, the sea-cows snort,
    And unseen mermaid’s pearly song
    Comes bubbling up, the weeds among.
    Fling broad the sail, dip deep the oar:
    To sea! to sea! the calm is o’er.

    To sea! to sea! our white-winged bark...

  • The Twilight hours, like birds, flew by,
      As lightly and as free,
    Ten thousand stars were in the sky,
      Ten thousand on the sea;
    For every wave, with dimpled face,
      That leaped upon the air,
    Had caught a star in its embrace,
      And held it trembling there.

  • The Rock
    i AM the Rock, presumptuous Sea!
    I am set to encounter thee.
    Angry and loud, or gentle and still,
    I am set here to limit thy power, and I will—
              I am the Rock!

    I am the Rock. From age to age
    I scorn thy fury and dare thy rage.
    Scarred by frost and worn by time,
    Brown with weed and green with slime,...

  • How like the leper, with his own sad cry
    Enforcing his own solitude, it tolls!
    That lonely bell set in the rushing shoals,
    To warn us from the place of jeopardy!
    O friend of man! sore-vexed by ocean’s power,
    The changing tides wash o’er thee day by day;
    Thy trembling mouth is filled with bitter spray,
    Yet still thou ringest on from hour...

  • The Sea is calm to-night.
    The tide is full, the moon lies fair
    Upon the straits;—on the French coast the light
    Gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand,
    Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay.
    Come to the window, sweet is the night-air!
    Only, from the long line of spray
    Where the sea meets the moon-blanched sand,

  •   THE Sunlight glitters keen and bright,
            Where, miles away,
      Lies stretching to my dazzled sight
      A luminous belt, a misty light,
    Beyond the dark pine bluffs and wastes of sandy gray.

      The tremulous shadow of the Sea!
            Against its ground
      Of silvery light, rock, hill, and tree,
      Still as a picture, clear and...

  • Oh, good gigantic smile o’ the brown old earth,
      This autumn morning! How he sets his bones
    To bask i’ the sun, and thrusts out knees and feet
    For the ripple to run over in its mirth;
      Listening the while, where on the heap of stones
    The white breast of the sea-lark twitters sweet.

    That is the doctrine, simple, ancient, true;

  • “ho, sailor of the sea!
    How ’s my boy—my boy?”
    “What ’s your boy’s name, good wife,
    And in what ship sailed he?”

    “My boy John—
    He that went to sea—
    What care I for the ship, sailor?
    My boy ’s my boy to me.

    “You come back from sea,
    And not know my John?
    I might as well have asked some landsman,

  • One night came on a hurricane,
      The sea was mountains rolling,
    When Barney Buntline turned his quid,
      And said to Billy Bowling:
    “A strong nor’wester ’s blowing, Bill;
      Hark! don’t ye hear it roar now?
    Lord help ’em, how I pities them
      Unhappy folks on shore now!

    “Foolhardy chaps who live in towns,
      What danger they...

  • In slumbers of midnight the sailor-boy lay;
      His hammock swung loose at the sport of the wind;
    But watch-worn and weary, his cares flew away,
      And visions of happiness danced o’er his mind.

    He dreamt of his home, of his dear native bowers,
      And pleasures that waited on life’s merry morn,
    While Memory stood sideways, half covered with flowers...