• A Free Paraphrase of the German
    TO weary hearts, to mourning homes,
    God’s meekest Angel gently comes:
    No power has he to banish pain,
    Or give us back our lost again;
    And yet in tenderest love our dear
    And heavenly Father sends him here.

    There ’s quiet in that Angel’s glance,
    There ’s rest in his still countenance!

  • She ’s somewhere in the sunlight strong,
      Her tears are in the falling rain,
    She calls me in the wind’s soft song,
      And with the flowers she comes again.

    Yon bird is but her messenger,
      The moon is but her silver car;
    Yea! sun and moon are sent by her,
      And every wistful waiting star.

  • There is a Reaper, whose name is Death,
      And, with his sickle keen,
    He reaps the bearded grain at a breath,
      And the flowers that grow between.

    “Shall I have naught that is fair?” saith he;
      “Have naught but the bearded grain?
    Though the breath of these flowers is sweet to me,
      I will give them all back again.”

    He gazed at...

  • Oh, deem not they are blest alone
      Whose lives a peaceful tenor keep;
    The Power who pities man, has shown
      A blessing for the eyes that weep.

    The light of smiles shall fill again
      The lids that overflow with tears;
    And weary hours of woe and pain
      Are promises of happier years.

    There is a day of sunny rest

  • The Face which, duly as the sun,
    Rose up for me with life begun,
    To mark all bright hours of the day
    With daily love, is dimmed away—
        And yet my days go on, go on.

    The tongue which, like a stream, could run
    Smooth music from the roughest stone,
    And every morning with “Good day”
    Make each day good, is hushed away—...

  • From “Festus”
    FOR to die young is youth’s divinest gift;
    To pass from one world fresh into another,
    Ere change hath lost the charm of soft regret,
    And feel the immortal impulse from within
    Which makes the coming life cry always, On!
    And follow it while strong, is heaven’s last mercy.
    There is a fire-fly in the south, but shines

  • Yet, O stricken heart, remember, O remember
      How of human days he lived the better part.
    April came to bloom and never dim December
      Breathed its killing chills upon the head or heart.

    Doomed to know not winter, only spring, a being
      Trod the flowery April blithely for a while,
    Took his fill of music, joy of thought and seeing,

  • Thank God, bless God, all ye who suffer not
    More grief than ye can weep for. That is well—
    That is light grieving! lighter, none befell,
    Since Adam forfeited the primal lot.
    Tears! what are tears? The babe weeps in its cot,
    The mother singing; at her marriage bell
    The bride weeps; and before the oracle
    Of high-faned hills, the poet has...

  • There is no flock, however watched and tended,
      But one dead lamb is there!
    There is no fireside, howsoe’er defended,
      But has one vacant chair!

    The air is full of farewells to the dying,
      And mournings for the dead;
    The heart of Rachel, for her children crying,
      Will not be comforted!

    Let us be patient! These severe...

  • Speak low to me, my Saviour, low and sweet
    From out the hallelujahs, sweet and low,
    Lest I should fear and fall, and miss thee so
    Who art not missed by any that entreat.
    Speak to me as Mary at thy feet—
    And if no precious gums my hands bestow,
    Let my tears drop like amber, while I go
    In reach of thy divinest voice complete