• It ’s rare to see the morning bleeze
      Like a bonfire frae the sea,
    It ’s fair to see the burnie kiss
      The lip o’ the flow’ry lea;
    An’ fine it is on green hillside,
      Where hums the bonnie bee,
    But rarer, fairer, finer far
      Is the Ingle-side for me.

    Glens may be gilt wi’ gowans rare,
      The birds may fill the tree;...

  • From “Snow-Bound”
    THE SUN that brief December day
    Rose cheerless over hills of gray,
    And, darkly circled, gave at noon
    A sadder light than waning moon.
    Slow tracing down the thickening sky
    Its mute and ominous prophecy,
    A portent seeming less than threat,
    It sank from sight before it set.
    A chill no coat, however stout,...

  • From “Philip Van Artevelde”
    THE HEART of man, walk in which way it will,
    Sequestered or frequented, smooth or rough,
    Down the deep valleys amongst tinkling flocks,
    Or mid the clang of trumpets and the march
    Of clattering ordnance, still must have its halt,
    Its hour of truce, its instant of repose,
    Its inn of rest; and craving still must...

  • Under a spreading chestnut-tree
      The village smithy stands;
    The smith, a mighty man is he,
      With large and sinewy hands;
    And the muscles of his brawny arms
      Are strong as iron bands.

    His hair is crisp and black and long;
      His face is like the tan;
    His brow is wet with honest sweat,—
      He earns whate’er he can,...

  • A Ruddy drop of manly blood
    The surging sea outweighs;
    The world uncertain comes and goes,
    The lover rooted stays.
    I fancied he was fled,—
    And, after many a year,
    Glowed unexhausted kindliness,
    Like daily sunrise there.
    My careful heart was free again;
    O friend, my bosom said,
    Through thee alone the sky is arched,...

  • Jaffar, the Barmecide, the good vizier,
    The poor man’s hope, the friend without a peer,
    Jaffar was dead, slain by a doom unjust;
    And guilty Haroun, sullen with mistrust
    Of what the good, and e’en the bad, might say,
    Ordained that no man living from that day
    Should dare to speak his name on pain of death.
    All Araby and Persia held their...

  • God’s love and peace be with thee, where
    Soe’er this soft autumnal air
    Lifts the dark tresses of thy hair!

    Whether through city casements comes
    Its kiss to thee, in crowded rooms,
    Or, out among the woodland blooms,

    It freshens o’er thy thoughtful face,
    Imparting, in its glad embrace,
    Beauty to beauty, grace to grace!

  • JENNY 1 kissed me when we met,
      Jumping from the chair she sat in.
    Time, you thief! who love to get
      Sweets into your list, put that in.
    Say I ’m weary, say I ’m sad;
      Say that health and wealth have missed me;
    Say I ’m growing old, but add—
                    Jenny kissed me!

    Note 1. “Jenny” was Mrs. Jane Welsh Carlyle. [back]...

  • I Fear thy kisses, gentle maiden;
      Thou needest not fear mine;
    My spirit is too deeply laden
      Ever to burden thine.

    I fear thy mien, thy tones, thy motion;
      Thou needest not fear mine;
    Innocent is the heart’s devotion
      With which I worship thine.

  • She is not fair to outward view,
      As many maidens be;
    Her loveliness I never knew
      Until she smiled on me:
    O, then I saw her eye was bright,—
    A well of love, a spring of light.

    But now her looks are coy and cold;
      To mine they ne’er reply;
    And yet I cease not to behold
      The love-light in her eye:
    Her very...