• I crave, dear Lord,
    No boundless hoard
      Of gold and gear,
        Nor jewels fine,
        Nor lands, nor kine,
    Nor treasure-heaps of anything.—
        Let but a little hut be mine
    Where at the hearthstone I may hear
        The cricket sing,
        And have the shine
      Of one glad woman’s eyes to make,
      For my poor sake,...

  • “little haly! Little Haly!” cheeps the robin in the tree;
    “Little Haly!” sighs the clover, “Little Haly!” moans the bee;
    “Little Haly! Little Haly!” calls the kill-deer at twilight;
    And the katydids and crickets hollers “Haly!” all the night.

    The sunflowers and the hollyhawks droops over the garden fence;
    The old path down the garden-walks still holds...

  • Little orphant Annie ’s come to our house to stay,
    An’ wash the cups and saucers up, an’ brush the crumbs away,
    An’ shoo the chickens off the porch, an’ dust the hearth, an’ sweep,
    An’ make the fire, an’ bake the bread, an’ earn her board-an’-keep;
    An’ all us other children, when the supper things is done,
    We set around the kitchen fire an’ has the...

  • Ay, dwainie!—my Dwainie!
        The lurloo ever sings,
    A tremor in his flossy crest
        And in his glossy wings.
    And Dwainie!—My Dwainie!
        The winno-welvers call;—
    But Dwainie hides in Spirkland
        And answers not at all.

    The teeper twitters Dwainie!—
        The tcheucker on his spray
    Teeters up and down the wind,...

  • How slight a thing may set one’s fancy drifting
      Upon the dead sea of the Past!—A view—
    Sometimes an odor—or a rooster lifting
      A far-off “Ooh! ooh-ooh!”

    And suddenly we find ourselves astray
      In some wood’s-pasture of the Long Ago,—
    Or idly dream again upon a day
      Of rest we used to know.

    I bit an apple but a moment since...

  • The winds have talked with him confidingly;
    The trees have whispered to him; and the night
    Hath held him gently as a mother might,
    And taught him all sad tones of melody;
    The mountains have bowed to him; and the sea,
    In clamorous waves, and murmurs exquisite,
    Hath told him all her sorrow and delight,—
    Her legends fair,—her darkest mystery...

  • Dear lord! kind Lord!
      Gracious Lord! I pray
    Thou wilt look on all I love,
      Tenderly to-day!
    Weed their hearts of weariness;
      Scatter every care,
    Down a wake of angel wings
      Winnowing the air.

    Bring unto the sorrowing
      All release from pain;
    Let the lips of laughter
      Overflow again;
    And with...

  • Will there really be a morning?
    Is there such a thing as day?
    Could I see it from the mountains
    If I were as tall as they?
    Has it feet like water lilies?
    Has it feathers like a bird?
    Is it brought from famous countries
    Of which I ’ve never heard?
    Oh some scholar, oh some sailor,
    Oh some wise man from the skies,

  • They tell you that Death ’s at the turn of the road,
      That under the shade of a cypress you ’ll find him,
    And, struggling on wearily, lashed by the goad
      Of pain, you will enter the black mist behind him.

    I can walk with you up to the ridge of the hill,
      And we ’ll talk of the way we have come through the valley;
    Down below there a bird...

  • Young to the end through sympathy with youth,
    Gray man of learning,—champion of truth!
    Direct in rugged speech, alert in mind,
    He felt his kinship with all humankind,
    And never feared to trace development
    Of high from low,—assured and full content
    That man paid homage to the Mind above,
    Uplifted by the “Royal Law of Love.”
