• One day there entered at my chamber door
    A presence whose light footfall on the floor
    No token gave; and, ere I could withstand,
    Within her clasp she drew my trembling hand.

    “Intrusive guest,” I cried, “my palm I lend
    But to the gracious pressure of a friend!
    Why comest thou, unbidden and in gloom,
    Trailing thy cold gray garments in my...

  • Adieu, kind Life, though thou hast often been
    Lavish of quip, and scant of courtesy,
    Beneath thy roughness I have found in thee
    A host who doth my parting favor win.
    Friend, teacher, sage, and sometimes harlequin,
    Thine every mood hath held some good for me,—
    Nor ever friendlier seemed thy company
    Than on this night when I must quit thine...

  • In tangled wreaths, in clustered gleaming stars,
        In floating, curling sprays,
    The golden flower comes shining through the woods
        These February days;
    Forth go all hearts, all hands, from out the town,
        To bring her gayly in,
    This wild, sweet Princess of far Florida—
        The yellow jessamine.

    The live-oaks smile to see...

  • Wynken, blynken, and Nod one night
      Sailed off in a wooden shoe,—
    Sailed on a river of crystal light
      Into a sea of dew.
    “Where are you going, and what do you wish?”
      The old moon asked the three.
    “We have come to fish for the herring-fish
      That live in this beautiful sea;
      Nets of silver and gold have we,”

  • When our babe he goeth walking in his garden,
      Around his tinkling feet the sunbeams play;
        The posies they are good to him,
        And bow them as they should to him,
      As fareth he upon his kingly way;
        And birdlings of the wood to him
      Make music, gentle music, all the day,
    When our babe he goeth walking in his garden.


  • The fire upon the hearth is low,
      And there is stillness everywhere,
      And, like winged spirits, here and there
    The firelight shadows fluttering go.
    And as the shadows round me creep,
      A childish treble breaks the gloom,
      And softly from a further room
    Comes: “Now I lay me down to sleep.”

    And, somehow, with that little prayer...

  • The mill goes toiling slowly around
      With steady and solemn creak,
    And my little one hears in the kindly sound
      The voice of the old mill speak.
    While round and round those big white wings
      Grimly and ghostlike creep,
    My little one hears that the old mill sings
      “Sleep, little tulip, sleep!”

    The sails are reefed and the nets...

  • In an ocean, ’way out yonder
      (As all sapient people know,)
    Is the land of Wonder-wander,
      Whither children love to go:
    It ’s their playing, romping, swinging,
      That give great joy to me
    While the Dinkey-Bird goes singing
      In the amfalula tree!

    There the gum-drops grow like cherries,
      And taffy’s thick as peas,—...

  • The little toy dog is covered with dust,
      But sturdy and stanch he stands;
    And the little toy soldier is red with rust,
      And his musket moulds in his hands.
    Time was when the little toy dog was new,
      And the soldier was passing fair;
    And that was the time when our Little Boy Blue
      Kissed them and put them there.

    “Now, don’t...

  • Some time there ben a lyttel boy
      That wolde not renne and play,
    And helpless like that little tyke
      Ben allwais in the way.
    “Goe, make you merrie with the rest,”
      His weary moder cried;
    But with a frown he catcht her gown
      And hong untill her side.

    That boy did love his moder well,
      Which spake him faire, I ween;...