• Sleep, motley, with the great of ancient days,
    Who wrote for all the years that yet shall be!
    Sleep with Herodotus, whose name and praise
    Have reached the isles of earth’s remotest sea;
    Sleep, while, defiant of the slow decays
    Of time, thy glorious writings speak for thee,
    And in the answering heart of millions raise
    The generous zeal for...

  • A mighty Hand, from an exhaustless Urn,
    Pours forth the never-ending Flood of Years,
    Among the nations. How the rushing waves
    Bear all before them! On their foremost edge,
    And there alone, is Life. The Present there
    Tosses and foams, and fills the air with roar
    Of mingled noises. There are they who toil,
    And they who strive, and they who...

  • O, it is great for our country to die, where ranks are contending!
      Bright is the wreath of our fame; glory awaits us for aye,—
    Glory, that never is dim, shining on with light never ending,—
      Glory that never shall fade, never, O never, away!

    O, it is sweet for our country to die! How softly reposes
      Warrior youth on his bier, wet by the tears of...

  • Deep in the wave is a coral grove,
    Where the purple mullet and gold-fish rove,
    Where the sea-flower spreads its leaves of blue,
    That never are wet with falling dew,
    But in bright and changeful beauty shine,
    Far down in the green and glassy brine.
    The floor is of sand like the mountain drift
    And the pearl-shells spangle the flinty snow;...

  • Hail to the land whereon we tread,
        Our fondest boast!
    The sepulchre of mighty dead,
    The truest hearts that ever bled,
    Who sleep on glory’s brightest bed,
        A fearless host:
    No slave is here;—our unchained feet
    Walk freely, as the waves that beat
        Our coast.

    Our fathers crossed the ocean’s wave

  • Little thinks, in the field, yon red-cloaked clown
    Of thee from the hill-top looking down;
    The heifer that lows in the upland farm,
    Far-heard, lows not thine ear to charm;
    The sexton, tolling his bell at noon,
    Deems not that great Napoleon
    Stops his horse, and lists with delight,
    Whilst his files sweep round yon Alpine height;

  • I like a church; I like a cowl;
    I love a prophet of the soul;
    And on my heart monastic aisles
    Fall like sweet strains, or pensive smiles:
    Yet not for all his faith can see
    Would I that cowlëd churchman be.
    Why should the vest on him allure,
    Which I could not on me endure?

    Not from a vain or shallow thought
    His awful Jove...

  • In may, when sea-winds pierced our solitudes,
    I found the fresh Rhodora in the woods,
    Spreading its leafless blooms in a damp nook,
    To please the desert and the sluggish brook.
    The purple petals, fallen in the pool,
    Made the black water with their beauty gay;
    Here might the red-bird come his plumes to cool,
    And court the flower that...

  • Burly, dozing humble-bee,
    Where thou art is clime for me.
    Let them sail for Porto Rique,
    Far-off heats through seas to seek;
    I will follow thee alone,
    Thou animated torrid-zone!
    Zigzag steerer, desert cheerer,
    Let me chase thy waving lines;
    Keep me nearer, me thy hearer,
    Singing over shrubs and vines.


  • Announced by all the trumpets of the sky,
    Arrives the snow, and, driving o’er the fields,
    Seems nowhere to alight: the whited air
    Hides hills and woods, the river, and the heaven,
    And veils the farm-house at the garden’s end.
    The sled and traveller stopped, the courier’s feet
    Delayed, all friends shut out, the housemates sit
    Around the...