• To him who in the love of Nature holds
    Communion with her visible forms, she speaks
    A various language; for his gayer hours
    She has a voice of gladness, and a smile
    And eloquence of beauty, and she glides
    Into his darker musings, with a mild
    And healing sympathy, that steals away
    Their sharpness, ere he is aware. When thoughts

  •     whither, midst falling dew,
    While glow the heavens with the last steps of day,
    Far, through their rosy depths, dost thou pursue
        Thy solitary way?

        Vainly the fowler’s eye
    Might mark thy distant flight to do thee wrong,
    As, darkly painted on the crimson sky,
        Thy figure floats along.

        Seek’st thou the plashy...

  • O fairest of the rural maids!
    Thy birth was in the forest shades;
    Green boughs, and glimpses of the sky,
    Were all that met thine infant eye.

    Thy sports, thy wanderings, when a child,
    Were ever in the sylvan wild;
    And all the beauty of the place
    Is in thy heart and on thy face.

    The twilight of the trees and rocks
    Is in...

  • The groves were God’s first temples. Ere man learned
    To hew the shaft, and lay the architrave,
    And spread the roof above them—ere he framed
    The lofty vault, to gather and roll back
    The sound of anthems; in the darkling wood,
    Amid the cool and silence, he knelt down,
    And offered to the Mightiest solemn thanks
    And supplication. For his...

  • I gazed upon the glorious sky
        And the green mountains round,
    And thought that when I came to lie
        At rest within the ground,
    ’T were pleasant that, in flowery June,
    When brooks send up a cheerful tune,
        And groves a joyous sound,
    The sexton’s hand, my grave to make,
    The rich, green mountain-turf should break.


  • The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year,
    Of wailing winds, and naked woods, and meadows brown and sere.
    Heaped in the hollows of the grove, the autumn leaves lie dead;
    They rustle to the eddying gust, and to the rabbit’s tread.
    The robin and the wren are flown, and from the shrubs the jay,
    And from the wood-top calls the crow through all...

  •     thou unrelenting Past!
    Strong are the barriers round thy dark domain,
        And fetters, sure and fast,
    Hold all that enter thy unbreathing reign.

        Far in thy realm withdrawn
    Old empires sit in sullenness and gloom,
        And glorious ages gone
    Lie deep within the shadow of thy womb.

        Childhood, with all its mirth,...

  • Spirit that breathest through my lattice, thou
        That cool’st the twilight of the sultry day,
    Gratefully flows thy freshness round my brow;
        Thou hast been out upon the deep at play,
    Riding all day the wild blue waves till now,
        Roughening their crests, and scattering high their spray,
    And swelling the white sail. I welcome thee

  • Thou blossom bright with autumn dew,
    And colored with the heaven’s own blue,
    That openest when the quiet light
    Succeeds the keen and frosty night,

    Thou comest not when violets lean
    O’er wandering brooks and springs unseen,
    Or columbines, in purple dressed,
    Nod o’er the ground-bird’s hidden nest.

    Thou waitest late and com’st...

  • Ay, this is freedom!—these pure skies
      Were never stained with village smoke:
    The fragrant wind, that through them flies,
      Is breathed from wastes by plough unbroke.
    Here, with my rifle and my steed,
      And her who left the world for me,
    I plant me, where the red deer feed
      In the green desert—and am free.

    For here the fair...