• Proud of my broken heart, since thou didst break it,

    Proud of the pain I did not feel till thee,

    Proud of my night, since thou with moons dost slake it,

    Not to partake thy passion, my humility.

    Thou can'st not boast, like Jesus, drunken without companion

    Was the strong cup of anguish brewed for the...

  • Sang from the Heart, Sire,

    Dipped my Beak in it,

    If the Tune drip too much

    Have a tint too Red

    Pardon the Cochineal —

    Suffer the Vermillion —

    Death is the Wealth

    Of the Poorest Bird.

    Bear with the Ballad —

    Awkward — faltering —

    Death twists the...

  • Sometimes with the Heart

    Seldom with the Soul

    Scarcer once with the Might

    Few — love at all.

  • Sweet Pirate of the heart,

    Not Pirate of the Sea,

    What wrecketh thee?

    Some spice's Mutiny —

    Some Attar's perfidy?

    Confide in me.

  • Sweet Skepticism of the Heart —

    That knows — and does not know —

    And tosses like a Fleet of Balm —

    Affronted by the snow —

    Invites and then retards the Truth

    Lest Certainty be sere

    Compared with the delicious throe

    Of transport thrilled with Fear —

  • The healed Heart shows its shallow scar

    With confidential moan —

    Not mended by Mortality

    Are Fabrics truly torn —

    To go its convalescent way

    So shameless is to see

    More genuine were Perfidy

    Than such Fidelity.

  • The heart asks pleasure first,

    And then, excuse from pain ;

    And then, those little anodynes

    That deaden suffering ;

    And then, to go to sleep ;

    And then, if it should be

    The will of its Inquisitor,


  • The Heart has many Doors —

    I can but knock —

    For any sweet "Come in"

    Impelled to hark —

    Not saddened by repulse,

    Repast to me

    That somewhere, there exists,

    Supremacy —

  • The Heart has narrow Banks

    It measures like the Sea

    In mighty — unremitting Bass

    And Blue Monotony

    Till Hurricane bisect

    And as itself discerns

    Its insufficient Area

    The Heart convulsive learns

    That Calm is but a Wall

    Of unattempted Gauze


  • The Heart is the Capital of the Mind —

    The Mind is a single State —

    The Heart and the Mind together make

    A single Continent —

    One — is the Population —

    Numerous enough —

    This ecstatic Nation

    Seek — it is Yourself.