Still though the one I sing,
(One, yet of contradictions made) I dedicate to Nationality,
I leave in him revolt, (O latent right of insurrection! O quenchless, indispensable fire!)

Poet: Walt Whitman

  in the still, star-lit night,
By the full fountain and the willow-tree,
  I walked, and not alone—
A spirit walked with me!

  A shade fell on the grass;
Upon the water fell a deeper shade:
  Something the willow stirred,
For to and fro...

Love still has something of the sea,
  From whence his Mother rose;
No time his slaves from love can free,
  Nor give their thoughts repose.

They are becalmed in clearest days,
  And in rough weather tost;
They wither under cold delays,...

Anonymous translation from the German

PAIN’S furnace heat within me quivers,
  God’s breath upon the flame doth blow,
And all my heart in anguish shivers,
  And trembles at the fiery glow:
And yet I whisper, As God will!
And in his hottest fire...

Poet: Julius Sturm

I Love to wander through the woodlands hoary
  In the soft light of an autumnal day,
When Summer gathers up her robes of glory,
  And like a dream of beauty glides away.

How through each loved, familiar path she lingers,
  Serenely smiling through the...

Bind me — I still can sing —

Banish — my mandolin

Strikes true within —

Slay — and my Soul shall rise

Chanting to Paradise —

Still thine.


How still the Bells in Steeples stand

Till swollen with the Sky

They leap upon their silver Feet

In frantic Melody!


Not seeing, still we know —

Not knowing, guess —

Not guessing, smile and hide

And half caress —

And quake — and turn away,

Seraphic fear —

Is Eden's innuendo

"If you dare"?


Precious to Me — She still shall be —

Though She forget the name I bear —

The fashion of the Gown I wear —

The very Color of My Hair —

So like the Meadows — now —

I dared to show a Tress of Theirs



Still own thee — still thou art

What surgeons call alive —

Though slipping — slipping I perceive

To thy reportless Grave —

Which question shall I clutch —

What answer wrest from thee

Before thou dost...
