* * *


 There was a young person in green,

 Who seldom was fit to be seen;

 She wore a long shawl,

 Over bonnet and all,

 Which enveloped that person in green.




 * * *

There was a Young Person of Smyrna,

Whose Grandmother threatened to burn her;
But she seized on the cat,


 * * *

There was an Old Person from Gretna,

Who rushed down the crater of Etna ;

       ‎ When they said, “Is it hot?”

       ‎ He replied, “No, it’s not!”

That mendacious Old Person of Gretna...


 * * *

 There was an old person of Brill,

 Who purchased a shirt with a frill;

 But they said, 'Don't you wish,

 You mayn't look like a fish,

 You obsequious ol person of Brill?'




* * *

There was an Old Person of Cadiz,


 * * *

There was an Old Person of Chili,

Whose conduct was painful and silly,
He sate on the stairs,


 * * *

There was an Old Person of Dover,

Who rushed through a field of blue Clover;

       ‎ But some very large bees,

       ‎ Stung his nose and his knees,

So he very soon went back to Dover....


 * * *

There was an Old Person of Ems,

Who casually fell in the Thames;

And when he was found

They said he was drowned,

That unlucky Old Person of Ems.

 <Publ. 1846>


 * * *

There was an Old Person of Ewell,

Who chiefly subsisted on gruel;

But to make it more nice

He inserted some mice,

Which refreshed that Old Person of Ewell.

 <Publ. 1846>...


 * * *


 There was an old person of Fife,

 Who was greatly disgusted with life;

 They sang him a ballad,

 And fed him on salad,

 Which cured that old person of Fife.


