On the swift flying hours

            Another bright day,

        With its tears and its smiles,

            Has vanished away.

        Thou who dost number

            Our days as they flee,


        To what bright world afar didst thou belong,

            Thou whose pure soul seemed not of mortal birth?

        From what fair clime of flowers and love and song,

            Cam'st thou, a star beam to our shadowed earth?


            Darkness sat brooding o'er the infant world,

            That in chaotic gloom and silence lay,

            Till from the throne of Light the sun was hurled;

            Then that eternal night was changed to day,


        Oh! in that better land to which I go,

            Say, shall I know thee as I know thee here;

            And will thy presence dim that glorious sphere,

        As it hath darkened all the earth below?

        Oh! will...


        Oh thou who once on earth, beneath the weight

            Of our mortality didst live and move,

            The incarnation of profoundest love;

        Who on the Cross that love didst consummate;

            Whose deep...


        Ah no! my love knows no vain jealousy:

            The rose that blooms and lives but in the sun,

            Asks not what other flowers he shines upon,

        If he but shine on her. Enough for me,

            Thus in...


           Over the valleys and over the mountains,

             Borne on the wings of the south wind I come;

           Breaking the ice-chains, unloosing the fountains,

             Waking all Nature to beauty and bloom.



        Within these leafless trees,

            That bare against the sky,

        Their naked branches rear;

            Leaves, buds, and blossoms lie.


        So beauty's myriad forms,



        I do not ask if an illustrious name

            Has shed upon thy birth its purple glow;

        Nor do I ask what titles thou canst claim,

            What ribbon favors, such as kings bestow.




        Give me but the energy,

            That guides thy dauntless will;

        Give me but thy ardent hope,

            That no reverse can chill;


        Thy buoyant soul, that on life's sea,
