• Unit, like Death, for Whom?

    True, like the Tomb,

    Who tells no secret

    Told to Him —

    The Grave is strict —

    Tickets admit

    Just two — the Bearer —

    And the Borne —

    And seat — just One —

    The Living — tell —

    The Dying — but a Syllable —

    The Coy Dead —...

  •            Make me no vows of constancy, dear friend,

               To love me, though I die, thy whole life long,

               And love no other till thy days shall end;

               Nay, it were rash and wrong.

               If thou canst love another, be it so;

               I would not reach out of my quiet grave...

  • Wait till the Majesty of Death

    Invests so mean a brow!

    Almost a powdered Footman

    Might dare to touch it now!

    Wait till in Everlasting Robes

    That Democrat is dressed,

    Then prate about "Preferment" —

    And "Station," and the rest!

    Around this quiet Courtier
